Smile for Me - Time 3

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As Riley disappeared, Elias sighed. Jay was left standing alone, feeling a bit awkward. Elias looked at him.


"No offence intended, but why are you here?"

"You really like me, eh?" Jay responded sarcastically.


Jay chuckled. "Is it weird to accompany my friend?"

"I guess not," Elias answered, expression still flat.

"My best friend is your best friend's lover. You should get used to seeing me."

"It's a bit strange."

"Which part?" Jay set his bag in the chair with Riley's.

Elias took in Jay's appearance; his piercings were out and he looked like any other kid in his uniform.

Jay chuckled again. "What about you?"


"No matter how you answer, I promise I won't tell Riley." Jay lifted himself onto the counter behind the desk.

Oh boy, this will be fun, Elias thought as he rotated his chair 45 degrees towards Jay.

"Did you follow Eran to university on purpose?" Jay knew this was a question Riley had been secretly wondering and Jay was beginning to grow curious himself.

Elias tilted his head curiously and remained quiet.

"I seriously promise I won't tell... Were or are you in love with him?" Jay was being honest in that he wouldn't tell Riley; he'd just keep his eyes open for any suspicious vibes Elias showed. Not that it was easy to tell with the mysterious man.

"Do I really seem that suspicious? I was just teasing Riley before, you know."

Jay nodded. "But either way, you've been with Eran since grade 12, right? Did you know what university he was going to when you applied?"

"No. I'd already applied when I found out."

"Which was when?"

"Sometime in test prep school."

"What about the scholarship?"

"How is that even relevant?"


"Well, I obviously already knew. We were biology nerds but we did have areas of specialty."

"And then grad school?" Not everything could be a coincidence, Jay thought.

"I like this school, so it made sense to continue here."

"And then even a doctorate?"

"We had similar ambitions?"

Well, even if that's true... "And did you ever think you might be soulmates—destined and bound to be together?"


"Seriously?" Even after all that, he thought nothing? Well, I figured he's no romantic...

Elias gave Jay a level 3 look of curiosity.

"You never broke up with a girlfriend and thought dating Eran would be better?"

"No," Elias paused. "Do you think that about Riley?"

"No, but I've known Riley for what—a little over a year? And you've known Eran for seven."

"I like Eran as a person. I consider him a good friend. But that's it." Elias rested his chin on his fist and elbow on the chair's arm. "Satisfied?" He expected Jay to look disappointed.

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