Chapter 47

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"What's wrong with your face?"

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"What's wrong with your face?"

It was Monday morning at school when Jay noticed Riley grinning. He knew Riley and Eran had made up and finally done the deed, but that'd been two days ago. During break between classes, he'd pulled Riley out into the hallway.

"Did something good happen last night?"

"No..." Riley replied. "I've been giddy for two days straight." He couldn't suppress a smile.

"Well, stop smiling. We've got a bit of a situation." Jay scratched his cheek.

"What?" Riley asked, smile weakened but still present.

"Uh... Did you notice everyone glancing at us?"

That caught Riley's attention. "A-Are they?" He hadn't noticed, but couldn't look now or else he'd draw attention.

"Apparently we're the school's newest gay couple."

Riley's eyes widened. "What?"

"I think it's my fault. Remember during the Future Pains meetings?" He paused. "I said, 'Ladies aren't my type' to Whatsherface... Remember?"

Riley didn't remember.

"It was after I kicked Mina's chair."


"Well, you know I meant ladies versus real women."

"I see." Riley lowered his eyes and noticed Jay's shirt was buttoned completely to the neck. "Is that the new fashion?"

"I have a hickey."

"Ugh. Did anyone see?" When did he go out anyway? Did he go by himself? What kind of girl...

"No, but if they do, it'll make things worse."

"Hey, why don't we just leave the rumour alone?"

Jay froze. "Why?"

"Because it's too much hassle to clear up. Besides, you don't like ladies, so it's not like it'd be in the way of anything, right?"

Jay contemplated the proposal.

"It'll die down anyway."

"I guess." Jay adjusted his shirt collar.

"So, who'd you meet that gave you that?"

"Uh... Just some girl."

Suspicious. "You went downtown?"


"Don't catch any diseases."

"You're one to talk."

"I was never like you. Besides, I got tested again after Eran and I started dating."

"Well, aren't you a good boy?"

The bell rang, interrupting their conversation.

Jay gave Riley a sideways glance. "We're not getting rid of the rumours, but we're not doing anything to encourage them either, okay?"

Riley sneered. "What would I do?"

"Dunno. Let's not find out."

Leaving the rumours as they were, everyone assumed Riley and Jay getting together was the reason for Tony's noticeable split from the trio. Tony now had the sympathy of most of the males in the class and a new group of friends.

 Tony now had the sympathy of most of the males in the class and a new group of friends

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"I don't want to celebrate my birthday."

Riley froze and looked down at Eran who had just randomly walked into the kitchen before dinner. "Why would you tell me something like that while I'm using a knife?"

Eran gave a confused look. "Anyway, don't do anything. I mean it." He started to walk away but Riley took his arm to stop him.


"Because I said so," Eran answered shortly without turning around.

Riley took Eran's other arm and turned him around. "Why?" he repeated.

"Why are you questioning me?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child who won't understand."

"You are a child. And I'm an old man."

Ah. It's the age gap. "That pout is so cute."

"Why do you always..." Eran sighed.

Riley pulled him into a hug. "Can't I celebrate that you're alive? If you hadn't been born, we wouldn't be able to be a lovey-dovey couple like this."

"God, shut up. Stop saying such embarrassing things." Eran put his hands over his blushing face.

"Haha. You're way too cute for an old man."

"You're taking a lot of liberties today." Eran glared past his hands.

Riley smiled charmingly, making it impossible for Eran to grow too angry. "Hey," Riley said gently. "You said you wanted me to make you breakfast and dinner, blow dry your hair, then hold you close. Can't we still do that?"

There were a few moments of silence before Eran nodded. "And... on that day, you can't call me cute."

"I'll try not to."

"I mean it. Don't do it."

Riley nodded. He really would try, but it'd be hard. Eran really was just too cute.

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