Chapter 2

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Eran was standing at the long counter of the university microbiology lab, examining a bacteria culture

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Eran was standing at the long counter of the university microbiology lab, examining a bacteria culture. He had been working since early morning, only stopping for a meeting with some supply company that his professor made him attend. For which he was forced to forgo a T-shirt wear a stupid tie. His mood was a little foul.

As the lab door opened, Eran was too focused to realize it was about to become fouler.

"You know," Max, an undergrad student, started blabbing as he came through the lab door without even properly greeting his senior. "There are rumours around the department. It looks like the female species can't grasp hold of you."

He adjusted his lab coat dramatically like he was a model about to walk on the runway.


"Women. They can't handle you."

Eran finally looked up. "Oh, you mean those," he pointed in the direction of the hallway outside the lab, "People women. Sorry, I was thinking about the bacteria."

Well, it was Max's fault for using the words 'female species.'

"You handle them really well though, you're so sly."

Eran stopped moving for a moment. "Right, women." He had to remind himself that Max was talking about women people. After all, bacteria was asexual. But it really wasn't as if he ever cared about what nonsense came out of Max's mouth. He stepped away from the cultures and instructed his mentee to examine the doppelgangers set #1. "If you need help, just tell me."

"You look nice today. Had a presentation?"

Eran wanted to glare after the compliment but decided to consider it courtesy. He couldn't let himself be annoyed at everything Max said.

And the talkative guy was far from the only one who showed interest in Eran. While the university was full of other intelligent or attractive students, Eran stood out. His long, upturned eyes were framed by thick lashes, giving him the impression of a cat that would bite if approached but slowly warm up once its aggression was satisfied. Many did not want to risk being bitten and kept their admiration quiet. Others, like Max, were presumably masochists.

About 40 minutes later, Max spoke again. "You're the only guy I know that actually looks good in lab goggles."

Ignore him, ignore him.

"Especially when they're resting on your forehead."

Perturbed, Eran conversely smirked and chuckled. "Are you coming on to me?"

While never having been confessed to by a man, Eran knew he captivated all genders from the gossip his colleague Elias would teasingly report to him. Eran didn't understand nor care why people thought he was attractive. He more so understood those who feared and secretly hated him. In his own mind, he was a nerd who lacked personality and was highly aware of his proud and detached personality. He was someone who didn't know how to chat, often offending others whether intentionally or unintentionally. And everyone knew he was a 4th dan black belt in aikido who wasn't afraid to use his skills if someone crossed the line. Definitely, the only people who would like him were either shallow or masochists.

Max was caught off guard after seeing Eran's smirk. "Uh... No."

Eran's eyes shot daggers. "You're really annoying me with all the comments. Especially because for some reason you feel like focusing on me in all of them."

"I just find you interesting." Max shrugged. "Do you want me to come on to you?" He leaned towards Eran with anticipatory eyes.

"I didn't make that clear? Not at all. So shut up." Turning away, Eran returned to his work.

After around two hours of surprisingly quiet note writing and data collection, Eran stood up, startling Max.

"Elias should be here soon." He opened a cabinet to get a roll of labels. "What jerk put them on such a high shelf?" he muttered, frowning. I can't reach. I'm definitely not asking him for help. Where's a stool? Eran stiffened as he felt something behind him. Before he could even notice and escape, Max was standing behind him, reaching up for the roll.

"Your hair smells kinda good."

"I'm going to make a complaint against you for sexual harassment."

A voice came from the doorway, "Wow. What did I walk into?"

Max turned towards the door and Eran took the opportunity to get away. Ignoring Max, Eran explained to Elias why he needed the labels and how he was using them. "I thought I'd be able to get started, but I'm glad you came. I've laid out everything so there'll be no mislabelling. I'm leaving now since I've been here since the building opened. I might come back tonight. Might not. I'll tell you if I do. Bye."

"Got it." Elias, emotion absent from his expression (as always) gave a thumbs up. "See ya."

"Not enough women work in this department." Max sighed.

Holding the door handle, Eran glanced back. "Maybe if you leave, they'll all flood in." He closed the door behind him without another word.

Eran walked into the nearest bar to his apartment, ordered a glass of whiskey, drank it all without even sitting down, and left

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Eran walked into the nearest bar to his apartment, ordered a glass of whiskey, drank it all without even sitting down, and left. Dinner that night would be... I'll go to Bubba's. That will cheer me up, I'm sure. He got to his car before realizing he shouldn't drive. It was fine with him though. He didn't mind walking; it wasn't far.

It was a bit too early for dinner so he headed to the convenience store nearest to his apartment. Being there reminded him of the incident from a few days ago where he'd caught some kids stealing. When Eran saw kids doing something reckless, he couldn't help but interfere. Maybe his sense of justice and righteousness was excessive. It wasn't as if Eran thought he had extraordinary wisdom with only 24 years of life under his belt.

Although... maybe he wasn't really caring about the kids and was instead selfishly trying to make up for the past. After handling a situation or reprimanding a kid, Eran would move on as if it never happened, not dwelling a second further on it. But this time the older teenager remained on his mind for a bit longer.

He left the store with a small bag of chewy fruit candies, then walked along the sidewalk. To clear his mind, he named the various bacteria and microbes that likely existed on each object he passed. Walking like that while eating candy, made him feel like a kid again. I'm getting old. Am I getting old?

He noticed a playground sprinkled with dead leaves ...It'd be time for dinner by the time I named all the bacteria on that. Beyond the playground, at the other end of the park, something caught his eye. Something much more interesting.

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