Chapter 15

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An hour passes and Y/N can't go to sleep. She feels guilty about her argument with Tony. She feels like shit. She knows she shouldn't have yelled at him like that, and that she should have given Tony a chance to speak because he did have a good point in the argument. She doesn't know why she got so angry.

She gets up off her bed and changes from her now wrinkled and tear stained dress, into a pair of jogging pants and a green sweater. She heads down to the elevator and up to Tony's floor. She stands at the door for a couple of minutes contemplating on knocking or not because he may be sleeping or he just might not want to talk.

She takes a deep breath and knocks hoping for an answer. A few seconds pass and tony opens the door. "Y/N..." Tony says, she can see his eyes are tinted red. "I'm sorry about before I shouldn't have brought it up. I feel really bad."

"Don't be sorry I shouldn't have lost my temper. I should be the one saying sorry." Y/N says. "Sorry for scaring you." She apologizes with an upside down smile.

Tony pulls Y/N into a tight hug "I'm not scared of you, you could never scare me." He whispers into Y/N shoulder. They stay there for a bit before Y/N pulls away and looks into Tony's chocolate brown eyes and he smiles lightly staring back. She moves her hands to the sides of his face and leans in kissing him. He quickly kisses back moving his hands to her hips.

They move out from the doorway, Y/N kicking the door closed behind them. They slowly walk back towards the closest couch. Tony lays Y/N down on it and climbs on top of her.

Tony breaks the passionate kiss and starts to peppering light kisses down Y/N's chin to her neck getting closer to her collar bone.

"Tony." She says quietly.

"Hm" Tony hums.

"Tony." Y/N says a bit louder with a little more effort.

"Yes, Dear?" He says quietly through kisses.

"Tony, stop." She says placing her hands on Tony's chest pushing him away a bit.

He stops looking confused at Y/N. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he asks concerned.

"No no. It's just... I'd like to wait." She says, almost scared of Tony's reaction.

"Of course. I understand. I'll have to make it up to you another day then." Tony says with a silly wink.

Y/N blushes in embarrassment, "I should get going it's very late and I have a busy day ahead of me." She says standing up from the couch.

"If you want, you can stay in the spare bedroom I have here." Tony offers. "Then we could have breakfast in the morning together."

"I'd love that." Y/N says with a nod. Tony stands up and takes her hand in his, leading her to the door across from his bedroom.

"If you need anything just shout. I might not wake up so just hit me a couple of times to 'encourage' me" Tony jokes.

"Okay, thank you again Tones." With that Y/N leans over placing a light kiss on Tony's lips before going into the room. Tony goes to his own room and changes into his normal sleep clothes; a t-shirt and jogging pants. He lays down in his bed, feeling lonely.

Across the hallway Y/N lays in her bed, feeling the same, loneliness. She sits up staring at the door in front of her for a while. She stands up and goes to the door and reaches for the doorknob but stops, and walks back to her bed and sits on the edge. She stays there for a while contemplating her next move.

Tony sits on the edge of his bed, trying to decide what to do. Weather to go out and see Y/N or not. He lays back down deciding not to. After a long minute, he curses under his breath and swings his legs over the edge, standing up before clutching his head because his sight goes darker and his head goes fuzzy. After a moment he goes back to normal, walking up to his door. He holds his head in his hands before walking back to the bed again and kicking the bed post. "Shit!" He whispers to himself.

Y/N takes a deep breath before jumping off her bed quickly and just walks right through her bedroom door without hesitation. She walks right to Tony's door but stops again. Her hand raised at the door, ready to knock. She hears a muffled bang on the other side before she takes another deep breath and knocks quickly, praying to God Tony isn't asleep yet.

Tony walks to the door relieved she came to his door first, he opens it with a smile. "Y/N what's up?" Tony asks.

"It's to quiet in the guest room." Y/N admits. "I don't like it."

"Would you like a fan or something?" Tony offers trying to stifle a laugh. "I bet I can find one in the lab."

"I was thinking..." Y/N begins and Tony nods for you to continue "I could just sleep with you, in your bed." Tony didn't seem shocked, but more grateful than anything. He takes Y/N's hand in his, softly dragging her into his room closing the door behind him. They go to the bed and climb in together.

Tony lays flat on his back while Y/N slides in right beside him wrapping an arm around him and resting her head on his chest. Tony wraps one of his arms around her pulling her closer snuggling in. "This is nice." Tony says with a smirk.

"Shut up and go to sleep." Y/N says rolling her eyes. Tony places a soft lingering kiss on her forehead before trying to get some rest himself.

I have barely enough energy to be writing this let alone edit it. I will do it later but I might as well post this now for someone to hopefully enjoy. X

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