Chapter 27

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A month has passed since Y/N came home from Asgard. There hasn't been much Hydra activity, nor extraterrestrial activity so the Avengers have had a nice break from missions. Natasha and Maria Hill have gotten together. The party Tony threw helped them to connect and express their feelings for each other. Shocking them both of their attraction to women.

Loki trained with Y/N lots, helping her grow her powers and control them so she never has an accident again.

Tony grabs Steve's arm and drags him into the theater room. "What was that for, Tony?" Steve asks, surprised by his action.

"I need to talk to you," Tony says, looking around "Secretly."

"What is it? Is everything okay with you and Y/N?" Steve asks.

"Yeah everythings fine, wait why is that the first thing you ask? Do you think it won't work out?" Tony panics.

"No, I'm just asking, calm down." Steve retorts.

"Sorry, sorry." Tony says sitting down taking long breaths. "I want to do something."


"I want to propose to Y/N, I know it's a bit early but I love her. I've already lost her once and I can't lose her again." Tony explains. Steve's eyes light up at the thought.

"Have you told anyone else?" Steve questions.

"No, I just got the ring yesterday." Tony says, pulling out a small jewelry box. "I was able to sneak a ring she wears a lot to get her ring size.'' He shows Steve the ring, it's a beautiful diamond ring, the diamond was carefully carved into a flower and has tiny diamonds around and down the sides. The band is sterling silver with "T.S + Y/N" engraved on the inside.

"It's beautiful Tony. I think she'll love it." Steve reassures.

There's a clank in the vents and a loud bang, "Shit!" Someone swears.

"Get down here Legolas!" Tony shouts.The vent door opens and out falls Clint.

"I swear I'm going to weld those vents shut locking you in there someday." Tony threatens. "How much did you hear?"

"So when are you gonna do it?" Clint asks, nudging Tony with his elbow. Tony lets out a sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Tonight, if you must know." Tony says, "I have tons of things to do though."

"We can help." Steve offers.

"I might as well put you two to work since you already know." Tony says, "Clint, I need you to get Y/N out of the tower for a couple hours."

"On it!" He says rushing out of the room.

"I wasn't done telling him what to do.." Tony says, turning to Steve confused, "Whatever." Tony puts the rings back in his pocket.

"I need to go shopping to get some items for the night. I need you to tell anyone that asks that I am just visiting a friend or picking up pizza. Just make up an excuse for me to be gone. DO NOT, tell anyone else." Tony explains. "And keep an eye on Clint, make sure he keeps his big mouth shut."

Steve nods in agreement and rushes off to do what he was told, smiling like a little puppy.


Tony heads to a store and picks up tea lights, flower petals, an expensive bottle of wine, and some ingredients for the dinner he plans to make for her.

Steve is lucky, no one but Clint asks for where Tony is. Everyone is busy with their own things. Clint did get Y/N out of the house but not by himself. He got Natasha to do something.

"Y/N?" Nat says knocking on the door of her and Tony's room.

"It's open." Y/N yells from inside. Natasha walks in holding a bag and Loki by the collar of his shirt.

"Time to go."

"Where are we going? And why are you walking Loki like a dog?" Y/N questions.

"Okay that's it!" Loki says frustrated. He uses his magic to teleport to Y/N's side, away from Natasha's grasp. "I'm not a dog, and I'll be damned to let you treat me like one." This makes Y/N laugh.

"I don't care what you think Loki, I'm taking Y/N to a spa. You are welcome to join us." Natasha says turning away heading for the door.

"I don't want to come to some spa with you two Midgardians." Loki spits. Y/N can see right through his stubbornness, he just wants to argue with Natasha, they don't get along well. Plus the whole dog comment he wasn't impressed about.

"I have Tony's credit card, I'll let you make a dent in it if you come." Natasha offers, flashing it around.

"How did you-" Y/N starts before getting cut off by Natasha.

"Honey, I'm a professional Russian spy, I can steal a credit card from anyone, anyday." She says cockily.

"Clint just gave it to you didn't he?" Loki asks.

"Yeah..." Nat whispers annoyed. She storms off to the lobby shouting down the hall, "Be in the lobby in ten minutes."

Y/N quickly gets ready in a comfy sweater and leggings before practically dragging Loki down to the lobby like Natasha had before.

Everyone piles into the car Natasha brought to the front of the tower, she took it from Tony's collection in his workshop. They head downtown to a popular spa and salon and get set up.

They all get their nails done and Nat and Y/N get their hair done. Loki wouldn't let anyone touch his 'precious' hair. They are fed cucumber water and water-chestnuts, Loki turned his nose up to both, saying such food were for peasants earning many weird looks from the staff around.


Back at the tower Tony is bossing everyone around getting the place perfect for Y/N. He has a trail of rose petals from the door of their room to the dinner table, then to the bedroom. Tony slaved over homemade tomato pasta with scallops, with a side of garlic bread and for dessert double chocolate brownie. Tony wants this night to be perfect.

He got Bruce to put up the fax candles around the bedroom and kitchen as Steve used his height to put up the string lights. Tony programmed the lights in his place to be tinted red, as well as have Jarvis play soft classic rock music; his own touch of personality.

Clint just backseat cooked, he had multiple utensils thrown at him by Tony. Only a wooden spoon hit him when he wasn't expecting it, he was fast enough to dodge the rest after that.


After the spa they go to the mall and get a new dress for Y/N, orders from Tony.

"How about this one?" asks Natasha, holding up a dark blue mini-dress with spaghetti straps.

"She's not trying to look like a street worker, Romanoff." Spits Loki, the two have been at each other's necks the whole shopping trip. Y/N elbows him in the gut at his comment.

"I recommend this one." Loki says holding up more of a gown. It was a dark red with gold accents and lace sleeves. "It would feed Stark's ego and it would go with will your skin tone."

"I'll try it on." Y/N says taking it from the God. She goes into the change room and quickly slips it on. She comes back out and Natasha rolls her eyes. "Does it not look good, Nat?"

"It's fine." she hisses.

"She's a little bitter because I chose the better dress." Loki smirks proudly, "I think that's the one."

Y/N looks in the full body mirror on the wall and is shocked. Loki was right, the color contrasts well with her skin tone and it would feed Tony's ego with it being 'his color'. "I think you're right." Y/N says happily, "Don't look too sad Nat, that dress was nice just not my style."

"Let's just go buy the dress." She says solemnly, smirking a little, keeping up the act to feed Loki.

The three head back to the tower and Natasha messages Tony saying that they are on the way and asks what he wants Y/N to do now.

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