Chapter 20

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At 6 oclock in the morning Tony's phone starts to ring on his bedside table. It wakes him up but he just rolled over snuggling into Y/N more.

"Are you going to get that?" Y/N groans and Tony doesn't respond making Y/N crawl over him, grabbing his phone and answering it herself.

"Someone better be dead or dying for you to be calling this damn early in the morning." Y/N groans into the phones microphone, quoting Tony.

"Y/N?" Steve asks from the other side of the line, "Isn't this Tony's phone or did I call the wrong person again?"

"No, this is Tony's phone, what do you need Steve?"

"Wait, why do you have-" Steve tries to ask.

"Its a long story, Steve. What do you want?" Y/N sighs.

"SHEILD found the location of the Hydra Agents that had captured you and... tortured you." Steve says. "We are sending a group out to capture him and lock him up."

Y/N stays quiet trying to process the infomation. Tony sees her shocked expression and sits up, "Love, what's wrong?"

"They found the Hydra agents..." she whispers. "We have to go, now." she says hanging up on steve and standing up grabbing a blanket wrapping it her body. She grabs a clean pair of clothes and runs to the bathroom
to get changed.

Tony gets dressed still half asleep and confused on what is happening. Just like Y/N said he packs up their stuff, "Please Y/N, explain to me what is going on?"

"I will once we get in the car and on the road home." Y/N says getting into the cars passenger seat. She reaches over and opens the driver seat door for Tony to get in. He starts the car and starts down the road.

"Tell me whats wrong, now." Tony says irritated by the situation and how early it is.

"Steve called and said they have found the agents and doctor who were part of my kidnapping." Y/N says scared of her own words. "I can get my revenge."

"Revenge, what do you mean?" He asks.

"I'm going to get my revenge for the months of torture they put me through." Y/N says coldly. All she wants right now is to put the doctor that gave her these dreaded powers making her a monster, the man who put her through all that pain. All she wants to do is put him through the same amount of pain.

"Are you sure about that?" Tony asks worried for her turning his attention from the road.

"Yes." She deadpans.

Tony doesn't argue with her anymore on the sensitive topic. He takes her hand in his as he drives to comfort her and she is zones out looking out the window.


A while later they arrive at the tower and Y/N rushes upstairs as Tony goes and parks the car in the garage, "Jarvis, where's Steve."

"Mr. Rogers is in the confrence room with the rest of the avengers and director Fury. Would you like me to tell them you are on your way up?" Jarvis answers moments after.

"No thank you, Jarvis."

Y/N bursts thought the door of the confrence room to see everyone waiting to start. Fury is at the front talking on the phone with Maria Hill, Loki was standing in a corner waiting to hear what Nick Fury has to say. Everyone else is talking amongst themselves.

Y/N sits down beside Natasha and an empty seat for Tony. Tony quickly comes in and takes a seat beside his girlfriend.

"Everyone is here, lets start." Fury says putting his phone down on the table. "Recently Agent Coulson and his team of highly trained agents, went to clear another Hydra base when they found some from the original place we found Y/N at. They were able to capture them and lock them in the cells in the base."

"Y/N, you have two options. We can send them to the highest secerity prision right now, or you and a group of people can go and you can see him before we ship them off." Steve offers, turning his chair to look at you. "What would you like?"

"I want to go see the doctor, who I asume is the leader of that group." Y/N says.

"Are you sure? Revenge isn't always the answer." Natasha says trying to protect her.

"It's my choice, and thats what i choose." she says walking out of the room and heading to her bedroom to calm down.

She slams the door shut and throws herself into her bed, laying there in the uncomfortable silence. There is a green flash by the door and Loki appears.

"Are you sure you want to do this. I know for myself, revenge isn't always the correct answer." he says coming and sitting beside Y/N on the bed.

"He needs to feel the pain he put me through. I need to see him again without being his toy." She hisses through her teeth, her red energy forming at her hands.

"Well, I will stand by your decision, just don't do something you will regret later in life." Loki says before disapearing again with a flash of green.

Twenty minutes later Jarvis' voice echos around Y/N's room, "Mr. Rogers wanted me to tell you that you and some other avengers are leaving at noon tomorrow for the Hydra base."

"Thank you Jarvis."

Omg two updates in a week wow. I must be doing better with my mental health!!

Haha nope, doing worse

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