Chapter 18

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"Jarvis, where is Tony?" Y/N asks as she walks to the elevator. It's been a week since she had been shot on the mission and she is feeling much better. Walking doesn't hurt anymore, only pressure on the wound or extreme movement.

"In his lab like always, Miss Y/N." Jarvis answers back. At that Y/N goes down to Tony's lab. He has been working on another, but better tactical suit for Y/N that's more bullet proof and much more resistant to knives.

"Hey Tones." Y/N says walking through the lab door. "How's the suit going?"

"It's almost done actually, and it's good to see you on your feet again." Tony says turning from his work. "How ya feelin'?"

"Good as new, there's only a little pain left that's it." Y/N walking to Tony and placing a light kiss on his cheek. They haven't talked about what is going on between them but everyday there are small signs of affection towards each other, whether it was a kiss, hugs or just standing closer to each other then normal friends would.

"Bruce could probably give you something for that." Tony says wrapping his arms around Y/N waist making sure to avoid her still healing wound.

"I'll survive." Y/N says as Tony lightly kisses her jaw. "So, what do we have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Well, The gang and I do have a little something planned tonight around 7 o'clock." Tony answers. "Come to the common room and dress semi-formal."

"Is that all I get?" Y/N laughs "no more information?"

"Nope, that all." Tony says. "It's 6:20 now, so what you are going to do is go to your room, get changed and only come to the common room once it turns 7 o'clock no sooner, no later." Tony explains.

"And what if I don't show up?" Y/N tests.

"Then you don't get your surprise, and believe me you'll like it." Tony says.

"Count me in, I'll be there." Y/N says she kisses Tony once more before leaving the lab with a little wave.

Y/N runs to her room to get ready, she quickly goes for a shower and starts looking for a dress to wear. Tony said it was a semi-formal surprise she finds a beautiful short navy blue dress with a flower lace top that wraps around her neck. She puts her hair up in a simple bun and throws on a pair of black kitty heels.

By the time she is dressed and ready it's ten to seven. She sits on her bed with a book waiting for the clock to strike seven. Once it does she heads down to the common room to find decorations and balloons, everyone is dressed up and waiting for Y/N to come down. "Tony? What's going on?" Y/N asks.

"Surprise!" Tony says walking up to you "we are celebrating you and your first mission. even though you got shot." He says the last part quietly.

"We wanted to wait until you could actually walk without being in too much pain." Natasha says from the couch beside Bruce and Steve. 

"Thank you guys, but you didn't have to." Y/N says, smiling brightly.

"We want to though, plus we were due for a good party." Tony says.

"we even got Thor back from Asgard for you." Clint says patting Thor on the back, he is sitting at the kitchen counter with Steve.

"My Lady, I would never miss a party held for you, and I'm truly sorry for not being able to come and visit at your time of rest. My father has assigned me training duties for the next couple weeks with the new recruits. Thankfully, I was able to get Lady Sif to take over for the night."

"Thank you Thor, I appreciate it." Y/N says.

"Enough talking, it's time for drinks." Natasha says bringing over some shots. The night goes on the the group laughs and talks and mostly gets drunk. Surprisingly, Tony and Y/N drank the least out of them all.

Thor had brought some more of the Asgardian ale for him amd Steve though Natasha bet Steve she could drink more of it then him. She couldn't. Natasha ended up blacking out on Bruce's shoulder after three drinks.

At one point Thor had started singing some Asgardian songs. Clint was the first one to retire that night taking dead asleep Natasha with him, people were getting to 'crazy' for him. Though at one point Tony was pretty sure he heard him in the vents above.

The night went on and people slowly went to bed first Bruce, then Steve and then Thor who decides to stay the night in his room at the tower. Everyone slowly trickled out until Tony and Y/N are the only ones left sitting on the couch together.

"Wanna go back to my place?" Tony asks quietly. He has his arm around Y/N shoulders and his chin on the top of her head as it rests on him.

"Sure, I'm not that tired though." Y/N says sitting up a little wobbly. They walk hand in hand to the elevator and then to Tony's floor. They just sit on the couch together like before, holding each other.

"Tony?" Y/N asks looking up at him.


"What are we doing?"

"Sitting on a couch?" Tony says sarcastically, earning a drunk giggle from the girl beside him.

"What are we doing in this relationship? Is this a fling or something more?" Y/N asks pulling away from Tony getting more serious. "Don't get me wrong I enjoy what we are doing but I need to know what you want."

"We can be what ever you want us to be, Dear." Tony says taking Y/N's hands in his. "I'll be there for you no matter what."

"But what do you want, Tony?" Y/N asks again more desperate for an answer.

"I want you, and only you." Tony says slowly before taking a breath and continuing, "When you were taken I broke down. I didn't want anything more than you back safe and sound. Ask anyone here and they will tell you how miserable I was."

"Y/N doesn't answer Tony right away but kisses him instead, "I just want you too." She says softly, before snuggling up into his side once more.

Happy Birthday to Robert Downey Jr. turning 57 today!! I hope he has a wonderful day filled with love and happiness!!

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