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Augusta rubbed her red rimmed eyes and tried to pull herself together.

A call from her judgemental grandma was not what she needed. Knowing she would be accused of snubbing an elder, she answered her phone after it rang for the third time.


"Yes, mama."

"Are you still determined to be masculine?"

Augusta rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to snap at her. Not again Mama and not today.

"I know you are there. What kain of wooman will say she wants to be a mechanic?"

"Nothing is wrong with being a mechanic, but I am going to be a mechanical engineer, Mama."

"Hian! There will be oyel all over ya body. How will you get a husband? Can't you use ya brain for Medicine or Nursing?"

Augusta was done. "My decision is final. Goodbye, Mama." She cut the call before her dad's meddling mother could speak any further.

Augusta crawled into her bed and hid from the world. Her polite but firm response to Mama was long overdue. She was surprised that the faint scent of lavender on her bedsheets calmed her nerves. Augusta intended to stay there for at least for a few hours, but was blindsided by her father's announcement. Their family had 'special' evening plans.

"Guess who going for dinner," he joked.

Augusta groaned from under her duvet. "Mmph. Not me."

"Come on, it will be fun."

"No, it won't. You can go without me. I'll order pizza, thanks."

Her father blew an exasperated breath. "Alright, that's enough of the small talk. What happened to my little girl? Is it boy trouble?"

"No!" Augusta shouted in a muffled voice.

Her dad chuckled. "That high pitched objection means there is a boy, but you don't want to talk about him."

Augusta lifted the cover of her head and whispered, "Today was a disaster. I was in a fight after school."

"Oginni? What happened?" His eyes flared in shock. "Talk to me, dear. I know you stay out of trouble."

Augusta's voice trembled as she told her father everything. Right from when the bullying started to the apparent climax, a physical altercation. She poured out all her fears and anxiety about her college application, and the possible after effects standing up for herself.

"My little girl," he sighed. He spread his arms, and Augusta collapsed in his embrace and cried. He pat her back and whispered comforting words into her ear. "Did you tell your mother?" he asked.

Augusta sniffled. "About today or about all the bullying?"




"Because I didn't want to make it worse by being a snitch." Augusta shrugged and looked out the window. "I figured that I should set my mind on acing the SAT and getting a new start in college."

Her father held her hand gently. "I'm so proud of you, honey."

"Really? You've accepted my unfeminine career choice?"

Her father released a long breath. "The sky is the beginning for you and any college would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks, Dad. This means a lot to me."

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