Chapter 13: ulterior motives

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T.W: Blood, slight gore, swaring and unedited


The walk was a long and painful one, he was right I haden't patched up my wound very well because after only 15 minutes he had to stop and put me down.

"yuck you've gotten you putrid blood all over my clean uniform," he complained, leather stained in the thick red substance.

"Well if you had been carrying me more carfuly then the wound might have stayed shut," I retorted, this country wasnt as scary as I first thought, that is if you keep him in a good mood.

Red eyes shot at me like knives "Oh shut it if you hadn't been shot in the first place we wouldnt be here," a shiver ran down my spine, my hands gripping tightly and breathing became jagged and quick, I went to say something but I couldnt.

"Thats what I thought," was all he said before ripping the now drenched fabric from the wound.

I recoyal in discust at the sight, the wound was infected, the skin was red and swolen, filled with puss, and the wound had bearly changed since I had last seen it. The mystory country started to work on the wound, not caring at all how much it hurt, and thats when I finally got a better look at him. With this better view of him I finally noticed all the scars, wounds and cracks that littered the little skin showing, he also appeared to be somewhat translusent, almost ghost like, but what stood out more was the very obvious wound in the side of his head...... a bulet wound. As I was opening my mouth to say something, almost like he had read my mind, he spoke.

"No you can not know how I got that wound," he mumbled, I had finally gotten sick of his controlling ways and desided to stand up for myself.

"Why? is it because you know if I find out I'll see truely what a freak you are?" I snapped a proud smirk present on my face, that'll teach him I thought.

The air around us suddenly became icy cold, much colder than the clam autum breeze that was flowing before, I slowly turn my head to face the nameless stranger, he had an eary feeling to him. Suddenly his hand shot to my face clenching my jaw, hard, snapping it towards his earily calm face.

"You listen here you little bitch, I dont have to tell you shit, hell I didnt even have to take you with me I could have just put you out of your fucking missery, but I did and you will as I say so shut your fucking mouth and stay quiet," He snaps, his voice ice cold and hushed, then tieing the last knot he lifted me once again into the air and we continued on.

Time skip

After another 45 minutes had gone by I finally cought sight of what we were heading towards, in the rubble of a fallen city, mostlikely bombed during some kind of war, sat a run down looking house, windows were shattered, holes in the walls, even a light poll had fallen into the building but compared to everything else it seemed like a castle.

We carfully made our way inside, compared to the outside the inside was much cleaner, there wasnt any spiderwebs, holes were patched with scrap bits of wood and metal, the furniture we clean and well kept and the power worked well.

"Stay here and dont move, I'll be back and we can talk about what will happen to you," he comments not even taking a glance at me before leaving.

I listen to the sounds of his footsteps as he returns, this time with more people like him. The people he brought all had the same weird skin as his, all with the same translusent looking skin, littered with the wounds of past battles.

"Now to get to business, we are here to offer something to you e/n," the unknown country explained his sharp teeth showing as he made a menesing grin. Annoyance once again bubbled inside of me as I found my words.

"Hold on can you FINALLY tell me who on earth you are before we head an further," I yelled, his smile fulters slighly before returning even bigger than before. He makes his way over to me and once again grabs my face.

"Well my dear my name is Third reich, that," he turns and points towards a tall female, she wore a camophlage military uniform, two tall pointy ears poked out from the top her her head, 4 wide, silky tales poked out if the base of her back.

"That is Japanese Empire and that," he turned once again to a slim male, he wore a white leather uniform, knee high boots and a white hat.

"That is Fascist Italy," then he added "now we are all introduced lets continue," he walked back a few feet then went on.

"We have an offer for you, we know just how much you want to go home and how much you hate the other countries," he started side eyeing his friends before going on.

"We want to propose that you, with the help of us, get your revenge on them for you as well as us," the wide smile returns to his face, dark aura surrounding him. Having a bad feeling I had to ask some questions.

"W-why can't you do it yourself?," hesitation present in my voice as the words leave my mouth.

"Well if you can't already tell, we arn't alive anymore, we can't do it ourselves because we can't interact with the other countries," JE answered but it only brought on more questions than answers.

"But how did Third manage to pick me up then?"

"That is because my dear, you arn't a country nor are you from this world, just think about it, you get to do what ever you please to those who wronged you, that human y/n and the other countries while we give you a place to stay and advice as well as help find a way for you to return home," he holds out his hand.

"So what do you say?" I started to think, if I agree its nothing but benafits for me as well as helping these people who have been nothing but helpful to me, but on the other hand I don't know these countries and if my history doesnt fail me then I know just how bad these countries were back when they still around.

I thought about it for five minutes, when I finally made up my mind I lifted my head and faced the three countries, they looked to be irritated and board for waiting.

"I accept," smiles spread across all of their faces.

"Well them why not make your way upstairs there is a spare room on the left that you can have as your own," FI says pointing towards creaking and dusty stairs.

"Alright," I say before heading up to look around.

Third Reich's P.O.V

As we watch her make her way up the stairs I couldn't help but smile, not a kind and welcoming smile but a sinister smile.

"What an idiot," I say once she was out of earshot.

"Do you think it'll work?" JE asks, her tails swishing back and forth, lifting the dust of the ground in a brown cloud.

"Oh I'm sure, humans are only ever thinking about themselves and she is no different, maybe even more obsessed with herself and her own ideas that she doesnt even think to question what the other persons intentions will be," I say making my way towards the kitchen.

"Once she has done everything we want we can discard her and take over what is rightfully ours," just at the thought of all the distruction she can cause made me happy.

Hope you enjoyed :)

(and laylacazygachaandroblox your guess was spot on 😉)

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