Chapter 15: Finally time?

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y/n p.o.v

The car sped down the road, the closer to the city centre we got the smaller I felt. The car eventually came to an ubrupt halt, I jolt forward, poor countryballs go tumbeling around the car, their crys filled my ears as I despretly tried to catch them before they hurt themselves.

"What the hell was that about," I roar, my blood bubbeling as I cradle the poor balls.

"Well I'm so-rry, I'm trying to save our asses here," America retorted as he made a sharp turn down a ramp and into an underground carpark.

"Well we are here now so can you both PLEASE stop bickering we have a meeting in-," Canada checks the car dashboard "about 10 minutes," frantically he jumped out of the car and to my door.

"Quick get out or we will be late," I was yanked from the seat and had my crutches shoved into my hands as he power walks to the evelator.

"w-wait we? you mean just you and america? You're not going to reveal me to everyone right?" he stops, guilt littered his eyes, I couldn't believe it I looked to America he to had guilt in his eyes.

"I- I can't believe you two, you could have at least told me before," the Phil jumped onto my sholder, he nuzzeled into my neck.

"Don't worry y/n I'm sure it wont be that bad," I sigh sholders slouching.

"Alright lets just get it over and done with, I wasn't going to stay hidden forever," slowly making my way over to the other two.

Time skip

Third p.o.v

After the painfully long elevator ride American, Canada and y/n, followed by around 50 countryballs, made their way down a long hall towards a large set of double doors. The halls walls were covered with portraits of old empaires and countrys, they were all interecly detailed, every stroke had thought and care put into it.

the group slowly made their way to the doors and the closer to the doors they got the pit inside y/n stomuch seemed to just keep growing until they were finally infront of the door and voices could be heard from the other side, lots of voices.

America and Canada turned to face y/n.

"You ready?" y/n let out a slow breath and nodded.

"lets get this over and done with,"

hey I'm here with a new chapter sorry its really short :/
Im going to try and finish this story in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for that


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