Chapter 16: No hope?

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y/n p.o.v

The wide doors creek and the voices flood out, I pull my hood further down to cover my eyes, and hide my face.

"What are we going to do?"
"We can't let this happen again!"
"How did this even happen?"
The voices screamed, fear flooding out of the room before silence.
The eyes, oh the eyes, were all on us and I hated every second of it, the looks of fear, anger, confussion, and it was all directed at us.

"America, Canada you finally deside to join us," a stern voice boomed my eyes shift, there stood who I assumed was UN but human, next to him was EU, NATO and ASEAN their icy gase sent chills down my spine as they turned to me.

"And who may this be?" EU remarked, my face dropped and i shifted from side to side.

"I - um, yea - about that," Canada stuttered, he fidgets with his hands.

"E/M was right, there was another human... and... her name is y/n," an audable gasp filled to room every ones eyes shot in my direction, I wished the earth could just swallow me whole at that very moment, then UN beconned us to follow him, I felt like i was going to cry.

Once we finally entered the room he turned, his face expressionless as he slowely sat down at his desk.
I didn't know what scared me more, what he could do to me or the cold look he exibited.

"I would like you to explain the whole situation please," he calmly asked. America started to open his mouth but was swifly silanced.
"Not you, from her," he gestgered to me, so I take a slow breath, calming my heart, before shifting and starting the long story.

"Alright then, it started maybe 2 or 3 months ago,"

Time skip

UN slowely lent back on his chair after I finished my story, his face unreadable, filling my stomach with an uneasy feeling as he finally lent back forward to look me in the eyes.

"It pains me to tell you this, but, there is a very high chance that you wont be able to make it back home," he stopped letting the news sink in before only adding salt to the wound.
"Alive atleast,"

Those two words broke me and the flood gates opened, tears streaming down my face loud, ugly, sobbing left my throte as I colapsted to the floo. I'm stuck here FOREVER.Canada, America and the countryballs tried everything they could to dry my tears but nothing would work they just kept comeing.

Eventually I used every bit of energy in my body, I was so exausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and I fell asleep.

Canada's P.O.V

As y/n's breathing slowed and the tears slowly stopped I finally relaxed as she fell asleep. I looked up at UN, y/n sleeping in my arms, his face was calm yet sad.

"Is... what you say true? She really can't leave here alive?" America voiced our thoughts. UN slowly nodded.
"Yes the only known way for a human to leave is if they die then, and only then, will they be free from here but it is most likely that they will only leave dead".
I looked back down at y/n, her eyes puffy from all the crying, her pale cheeks stained with tears, and my throte tightened. I can't let her die she has so much to live for.

"There has to be another way surly," America demanded his voice growing loud, frustration bubbeling withing but all UN did was shake his head and stand up.
"I'll leave you all to think about that information, I have a meeting to get back to," and with that he left shutting the door behind him.

Time skip

Third P.O.V

Canda and America carried y/n back to their room in silance, unwilling to face the facts. Once y/n was tucked in a bed to rest America and Canada met back up in the living room to recooperate their thoughts.

"I can't understand it, why does it need to be death!" America cried, slouching on the couch as Canada got them some drinks.
"We still also need to remember that e/n and the third reich are still out there and could strike at any moment," Canada added as he passed America his drink. America groaned, his face in his hands.

"Right yea that fucker is still out there, I bet you he probably has something to do with e/n's dissapearance," America ranted opening his drink before chugging it.
Canada opened his eyes, a realisation hitting him.
"Oh My God Ame Your right, he must have something to do with it, and if I'm right, she may be the one attacking the countries," he places his drink on the coffee table and rushes to the door.
"We need to tell UN right now".

E/m's p.o.v

I slam the door shut behind be, dust flying into the sky at the force.
"Gah this is the third house in a row, nothing it's like they have just vanished," I stab my knife into the table as reich walks into the room.

"Careful now we dont want to break another table," his signature smile plastured all over his face, I glare at him.
"Well the mister smarty-pants were have all the countries gone, every house I have entred is empty, like they have left in a hurry," yet all he does is smile harder.
"My dear there is a special place that countries go when there is something threatening them, it's further into the city I'm sure if we try there than they must be there".
This time im the one smileing.
"And how do you know about this place?" I question eyes narrowing.
"Oh I have my ways,"
"As crytic as ever I see, well that doesn't matter," I stand, pulling my knife out of the table.
"The sooner I do what you want, the sooner I get to go home," I remark making my way to the door.

"Yes and go home you sha'll," reich whispers an evil glint in his eyes as he chuckels lowly to himself.

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