Chapter 9: A nice suprise

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(e/n) P.O.V

I stomped around the hotel room America dropped me off at. 'ARG THIS IS ALL (Y/N)'s FAULT' I screamed in my head as I smash my fists into the table "If Only I HADN'T Followed Her!" I cried hitting my fists on the table again before turning to a kitchen knife a BIG kitchen knife. I picked the knife up with an evil smirk on my face "best to just get rid of her than," I said before putting it back down and going over to the rock hard bed to think up a plan.

(y/n) P.O.V

I slowly rise up from the warm blankets that covered me, I open my eyes and for a minute I forgot where I was and started to panic until I remembered the events of yesterday and that I was at Canada's. I slowly shuffle over to the end of the big bed where my crutches reside so I could try and make my way down stairs.

Suddenly a sweet and familiar smell hit my nose making me move faster so I could find out if i was right or not. As I got to the top of the stairs the smell of pancakes started to get stronger making me get hungry. I stumble down the stairs with Nekomi close behind, taking my time on every step to help my broken leg.

Once I managed to get to the kitchen I see Canada place the last pancake on a plate and turn around "Oh! (y/n) your awake, come sit down I made you and Nekomi pancakes," he said motioning for me to sit at the table "Thanks Canada," I said taking a pancake and covered it with my favourite toppings before digging in. I look over at Canada as he walks back into the kitchen only to return not to long later with a plate that had little pancakes on it before placing it in front of Nekomi.

Nekomi let out a high pitch squeal of happiness before starting to eats, I looked at the small pancakes then to Canada who had a big smile on his face "I thought it would be nice to make Nekomi some small pancakes as I had some left over batter," he said before sitting down and grabbing a pancake for himself.

(Time skip)

As I hoisted myself out of the chair, Canada took our plates to the sink so he could wash them later before Canada turned back to me "I have something I want to show you," he said as he beckoned me to follow him into the living room.

As I limped into the room I saw Canada fiddling with something before he turned around with a big grin on his face "come here its on the box," he said moving to the side to show a big cardboard box sitting on the coffee table. I give him a confused look "whats inside?" I ask and canada let out a small laugh "open the box and see," he said and I let out a sigh and walk over to the box.

3 P.O.V

As (y/n) slowly made her way to the box as Canada sat down on the couch, (y/n) slowly opened the lid and as she did she could swear she could hear hush voices coming from inside. When the lid opened all the way she was greeted by the sight of some her countryball friends, (y/n) gasped as she saw them before turning to Canada "did you do this?" you ask to which he nodded his head "I thought you might get lonely as I'm going to be out often, so i decided to see if i could bring some of your countryball friends to keep you company," he explained.

(time skip)

Canada helped (y/n) get back up the stairs to her room before he made his way to his car to go to yet another World Meeting, but this one was going to be about how to get (e/n) home or if it was even possible to start with it had also been called last minute so it was 7:00 at night.

As Canada made his way to the big building all world meeting are held, (y/n) was sitting on her big bed talking to the countryballs before she decided to get some more sleep instead of waiting for Canada to return.

(small time skip)

Canada made his way down the hall and into the meeting room, he was late thanks to it being called last minute and he needed to get ready along with the long ride here. As he entered the room the first thing he noticed was that everyone seemed tense so he looked over at (e/n) to find her tied to the chair thrashing about throwing insults at everyone in the room but mostly the organisations.

"Um... sorry I'm late," Canada said as everyone turned to look at him "it's fine Canada nothing really important has happened yet," UN explained as he made his way to his seat next to his brother and Mexico. As the meeting went on UN filled Canada in on what happened before he arrived, it had turned out that as soon as (e/n) entered the meeting room she had attempted to stab Germany and other countries in a fit of rage but had been restrained before anything to had happened.

(another time skip q-q I'm sorry)
It was know around 2 at night and Canada had returned around 12:00 so (y/n) was fast asleep. As (y/n) lay in her bed she had woken up by something nudging her "(y/n) wake up I though I heard something coming from downstairs," whispered a small voice making (y/n) wake up "huh? what is it Romania?" she asked in a sleepy voice "I heard something from downstairs," he explained causing (y/n) to sit up and just then there was a crash from downstairs "there it is again," Romania explained spreading his wings and making his way to the bedroom door.

(y/n) slowly made her way to the draw trying her best not to wake anyone else but once she got to the door she saw Canada making his way out of his room "did you hear it to (y/n)?" he asked making his way over to you and Romania " Romania woke me up but yes I heard it," you said before turning towards the stairs.

As you, Canada and Romania made their way to the kitchen entrance, you heard the sound of plastic scraping along wood. Canada made his way to the light switch and what you saw shocked you...

There sat a Countryball eating a packet of blue berries and what confused you more was you had never seen this country in your life.

sorry I havent posted in a wile I didnt really know what to do for this chapter and I have gone back to online schooling so I have to do school work too qwq

hope you like it ˚ˆ˚

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