Submissive and Breedable [Chapter III]

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I panicked. There was a homocidal emo in my house and I did nothing but tolerate his waffle eating habits.  That was really stupid now that I think about it. Its too late to rat him out now.

I ran over to Jeff, pulling him to my closet and shoving him in.

"stay here for a second" I whispered. He rolled his eyes, but stayed down.

"fine." he groaned. I slammed the closet shut. Then dashed down the stairs and answered the front door. Low and behold, it was the police.

There were three of them. One had a sick ass mustache, it curled up and everything. He was ginger. I was in love with the shape of his mustache. Another seemed like he was in a good mood with a shaved head and dark skin. The last, was quite young, wearing sunglasses and a few small scars on his face. He showed no expression and hadn't talked at all. I thought I shouldn't mess with him before I looked a bit farther. I gazed at his uniform and saw a pride flag pin. I smiled.

"Hello sir, a neighbor reported someone climbing through your window at 2:43am today. Have you seen anything in your home or noticed any unusual occurrences? The person they claimed to see matched the description of a wanted murderer in our area, named Jeff the Killer," he recited it like there was a script.

I thought about the description. Notorious killer named Jeff, yeah that was the guy in my closet. Of coarse I wouldn't have said that. Jeff would outrun them anyway. He was agile and stealthy with deadly knife skills. He hasn't been caught for this long, what makes anyone think he could be caught now? Besides, he's gonna leave eventually.


"excuse me, what do you have on your neck?" One officer asked. I totally forgot I got cut. It didn't even hurt. I panicked and said whatever I could think of.

"I LIKE KINKY SEX," I blurted without thinking. I didn't stop there, I kept rambling.

"You see I just sometimes like the cuts? Yeah yeah, that. and yknow takin it up the ass isn't that bad. I mean it's enjoyable. You you want to try that? I can give you a website for th-"

I paused and it took me a few seconds to actually process my words. I realized what I was saying.

what the fuck

The cops blinked at me in disbelief. Until the pride pin cop, finally said something.

"Kinky. Sex." he repeated slowly

"Alright man, whatever floats your boat. I ain't kink shaming,"

I internally facepalmed and my cheeks got hot from embarrassment. I wanted to melt into a slab of concrete and then choke on a brick.

"yeah, haha," I said, trying to laugh it off. It came out more awkward than I wanted. The bald man burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry man, I can't hold it in anymore. We'll leave you to it, Mr. submissive and breedable," He snorted. At this point, I didn't care if Jeff stabbed me. End my fucking misery.

"HEY SHMOOPY WOOPY, CAN YOU GET ME A TOWEL", I heard Jeff yell, followed by a muffled cackle from upstairs. I realized what he called me and I instantly wanted to dropkick him until his balls came clean off.

Today's gonna be the death of me.

"Ohh, so your door swings that way, eh? If it doesn't work out, call me," He winked giving me a card.

"Matthew Gray, _____ Police Department"

The other two smacked him so hard, that he stumbled into the wall. He playfully raised his hands up to the other two, surrendering. He was the tallest so it looked absolutely ridiculous. He was maybe a whole foot taller than Ed Sheeran protects the law edition.

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