chapter 15: pregnant

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It's been two weeks since y/n and jungkook had their first time together and over the past week jungkooks found himself feeling really sick. He often gets mood swings and is easily upset by foods he once loved. Through all of this, he hid from y/n that something was wrong.

Presently, y/n has just left for a meeting, pulling out his phone jungkook called his friend jimin. After couple rings the boy answered. "Hey kookie what's up"? "Hey chimed, uhmm, I wanted to ask u a little favor". "Oh yeah sure kook, ask anything".

"Uhm, can u go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test for me please"? "EH"? Jimin was in shock at his bestfriends request. "PREGNANCY TEST"? "Ugh chimed stop shouting, a-and yes, I think I'm p-pregnant". "Ouuu, my bestfriend did the devils tango with his dear wife I seeee".

"Yah stop teasing and go get it for me na". Jungkook whined. "Alright alright, give me ten minutes I'll get it for u". "Okay thx". With that they hung up and jungkook anxiously waited in his and y/n's room for when jimin arrives with the test.

After 15 minutes he heard a knock on the door he jumped up and opened it to see jimin standing with a plastic bag in hand. "Hey, here is the test". "Okay thanks, sit". Jimin entered and sat on the bed as jungkook went into the bathroom and did his business. After five minutes he came back out with the test.

"We have to wait a bit". "Hm, but what made u think you're pregnant to begin with". "I've been having morning sickness and alot of mood swings and foods that I'd usually like always make me sick". Jimin nodded. "Very possible, what will u do if it's positive tho"? Jungkook stiffened at the question a sudden fear rushing through his veins.

"I-i don't know". "Well I mean if it is u must tell y/n". Jungkook started to sweat a little. "B-but what if she doesn't want a b-baby"? "I don't know but you'll have to talk it put with her, besides we all know y/n isn't insensitive, she'll listen to what u have to say and what u want, do u want a baby"?

"I-i mean I do I don't mind b-but what if y/n doesn't want that commitment yet, w-what if she leaves me"? His hormones were taking over and his emotions were getting the best of him. "Hey hey kook calm down, u know for yourself that isn't the kind of person y/n is, knowing its her child she'll definitely accept".

Jungkook took some deep breaths as he calmed down their eyes feel on the pregnancy test. "It's been a while kook I think u should check it". Jungkooks hands started to tremble as he reached for the test which layed face down on his thigh. Picking it up he looked at the spot with the lines and his eyes teared up.

"What does it read Jungkook"? Jimin desperately asked. Jungkook hand reached up covered his mouth as his tears fell. Turning the test jimin saw it read positive, knowing how many mixed emotions the younger must be having jimin pulled jungkook to his embrace patting his back. "Clam down kook, it's alright, congratulations you'll just need to talk with y/n now".

"T-thats the part i-im most s-scared about". He sobbed harder ad he again looked at the test, he couldn't believe it he was pregnant. "I'm p-pregnant am I really pregnant"? Half of him was happy knowing he was gonna have a baby of his own but the other half of him was terrified, what if y/n left him and he had to survive with his child on his own, what would he do.

But he also know that what jimin said is true y/n will listen and take on the responsibility of her child but he just was so caught up in his emotions he didn't know what to think. Soon jimin had to bid his goodbye and go home as his wife was calling him so jungkook wiped his tears and walked him to the door. As jimin left jungkook went back to the room.

Looking at himself in the mirror he put his hands over his belly, "Hi baby, it's appa, I'm really happy to now know I have u with me, I know you'll take a while but I hope to meet u soon". He smiled at his own words then looked at the test again, feeling a sudden rush of confidence in himself as if he already know what was gonna happen and was certain y/n would be happy too.

He wrapped the pregnancy test in a gift paper and kept it in his drawer. "When she gets back I'll show her".

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