chapter 24: news and cover up

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Its now night time and y/n and jungkook are cuddling in their room. Jungmin isn't at home as Mr.Jeon called her out. Jungkook was watching TV as y/n held him close while on the phone.

Since the start of his pregnancy he's been extra clingy to y/n not that she had a problem she loved when he was close and she could make sure he's okay and take care of him for herself and really just be there for him.

While they were both in their own world taking in the peace that surrounded them y/n got a news update that caught her eye. Smirking she connected her phone to the TV so jungkook could see too. The reporter spoke.

"We're hear today at an odd location but as u can see behind me fire officers and the police are here at thus abandoned warehouse I'm sure we've all seen atleast once of twice in our lifetime living here".

"The building has been in flames all day yet no one had noticed as it's so far put it doesn't affect anyone. According to the police and fire officers it seems that someone bombed the place, but what's more disturbing is".

"They found multiple body parts of alot more than one person burnt one the floors and multiple destroyed car parts. Seems like a planned murder, whoever did this has to be heartless no doubt, back to the desk".

Y/N smirked and thought. "'Heartless indeed". Looking back at y/n jungkook narrowed his eyes. Sitting up he crossed his arms and continued looking intensely at her. Y/N raised one brow to him. "What"?

"What did u and jungmin do"? Y/N chuckled and decided to play a little. "What, we would never do that, we didnt so anything how could u think so low of us to do that"? He softly punched her shoulder.

"I wanna know what u did to those bitchy guards or whatever they aree". Y/N was surprised by hid answer she thought he wasn't gonna like it but guess she was wrong. "'Well". She explained everything to him.

Jungkook had a little smirk on his face the entire time. "Blow em up". He whispered as he held y/n's finger and looked back at the TV where they showed footage if the damage.

"You guys did great babe". He layed back down on y/n's chest. "Thank u baby". With that they both talked more and spent their time together.


Our dad had called me being very frantic as the news had finally got to him half of his gangs population left with me and never returned tho I did.

As I walked into my parents house I was greeted by my father pacing back snd forth a sweaty mess and my mother dazed looking at the floor while sitting on the couch. "Yo wassup". I greeted without a care in the world.

"What the fuck happened". Our men said u left with 1000 of them this morning and they never returned. How? Do u realize how many men that is do u know how that's gonna affect us how we're gonna fall".

"It wad for a mission, if they didn't die I would've died". "What mission"? "One u don't know about I was preparing for it for months and this was the only way to get it done someone had to die and that someone was them".

"But we're now at half capacity Kim's Mafia is so much bigger we need to get like them or even better they have 25 thousand men". "I'll get some men to make up don't worry I'm leaving". With that I left not letting them speak more.

Ad I got into the car i called y/n. "Yo wassup, what did they call u for"? "To ask about the men but now it's time for phase two buddy we gotta get plotting". She chuckled on the other line. "Indeed it is dude, get back home and we'll start now".

"Bet, we just gotta make sure to get everything done by the end of this week". "Bet, get home quick be careful kid". I chuckled "I heard u mother". "Pfft shut up". She hung up on me as I shook my head smiling.

"My brother really scored". My smile dropped. "I can't be thinking like this".

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