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"There's Logan. Come and see me at the end of the day so I can check in and make sure you've had a good day, okay?" Mr Bentley told Alfie.

"Yeah, okay" Alfie answered, more focused on scanning the table Logan was sat at in the cafeteria.

"Go ahead" Mr Bentley said, gesturing for Alfie to go over to see Logan.

As Alfie approached the table he could clearly see Logan roll his eyes.

"Why haven't you got changed?" Logan asked, looking Alfie up and down and noticing he still had his spare gym clothes on.

Alfie looked down at himself too, completely forgetting that he was wearing Logan's clothes.

"Oh, I, umm, I forgot" Alfie stuttered, nervous because the rest of the football team was sat staring at him now too.

"Relax, it's fine. Sit down" Logan instructed, slightly embarrassed that he was being made to hang out with somebody so notably uncool. 

After a few minutes of Logan pretty much ignoring Alfie the school bell rang.

"We've got social studies now" Logan sighed.

"Right" Alfie said, following Logan as he stood up to leave the cafeteria.

"I have to pee. If we're late for class I'm saying you got lost and I had to go find you, got it?" Logan turned to Alfie.

"Got it" Alfie said shyly.

Alfie was impressed by Logan's openness and only wished he could be so confident.

Alfie then waited outside of the bathroom until Logan re-emerged.

"Social studies is a waste of time anyways" Logan said as he ambled slowly to his classroom, unbothered by the fact they were already running late.

Alfie, however, found social studies very interesting. He was pleasantly surprised at how kind their teacher was when they eventually arrived. She didn't even mention their lateness and she welcomed Alfie warmly to her class.

Soon the boys were on their way to double chemistry - Logan's least favourite class.

"If it wasn't for you, I'd be skipping" Logan said quite harshly to Alfie as they took their seats next to each other.

As the teacher droned on about molecular structure Alfie found himself becoming aware of the fact he needed to use the bathroom. He was silently proud of himself for knowing he had to go, but the idea of asking the teacher in front of the whole class was off the table.

Logan, who was completely disinterested in the lesson, watched Alfie closely. He found the way he behaved quite strange. Alfie's moods seemed to change really quickly, with no obvious reason, and it intrigued Logan.

"So, I want you guys to pair up to do this project" the teacher spoke to the class.

"Mate, let's be together" one of Logan's friends asked him from across the room.

Logan almost agreed, before he remembered Alfie.

"I should probably stick with the new kid" Logan groaned, flashing a disgusted looking face back at his friend.

"Sucks to be you" Logan's friend said before turning away in search of a new partner.

"Do you want to do this tonight?" Logan asked Alfie.

"Tonight?" Alfie questioned, hoping that Logan wouldn't ask to come round to his house.

"We can do it in the library" Logan suggested.

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