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"Today we're going to be playing soccer" Mr Dylan told the class before instructing them to get into pairs to practice passing the ball.

"Hey Logan, let's pair up" Logan's friend said as he ran up beside him.

Logan looked at Alfie. He would've felt far too guilty leaving him on his own, so reluctantly declined the invitation.

"If you keep hanging out with the new kid people will start to talk" Logan's friend warned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Logan confronted his friend angrily.

"Only losers hang out with losers" Logan's friend laughed, looking Logan up and down.

"So what does that make you?" Logan mocked, looking around in search of his friends non-existent supposed friends.

"Don't be an ass, Logan" Logan's friend smirked.

"I'm the ass?" Logan said, shoving his friend harshly by the shoulders.

Alfie gulped. He knew where this was going.

"You heard me" Logan's friend answered, pushing him back.

That's when Logan completely lost his temper, lunging at his friends and throwing punches wildly. His friend fought back, aiming directly at Logan's face.

"Boys!" Mr Dylan shouted, running quickly to the scene.

Regardless, Logan still went on hitting his friend, even though there was obvious blood on both of their faces.

"That is enough" Mr Dylan continued to shout, grabbing both boys by the back of their shirts and pulling them away from each other.

"Enough" Mr Dylan repeated once the boys were far enough apart so they couldn't reach each other.

Alfie couldn't believe what he had just seen. Logan turned away, spitting blood out of his mouth, then wiping his face with his sleeve.

"Mr Bentley's office. Now" Mr Dylan said, still holding both of the boys by their collars.

"The rest of you get changed and go to the library" he continued, not taking his eyes off the boys as he spoke to the other students.

Alfie wasn't sure what he was going to do without Logan, slightly panic setting in as he watched him being marched away. He looked towards the other students, who were all stood with similar shocked expressions on their faces. Nobody could understand why Logan and one of his best friends would start acting like that.

"In" Mr Dylan ordered Logan and his friend once they had reached Mr Bentley's office.

Logan's friend seemed more disheveled than Logan, but it was Logan's face that was dripping in blood.

Mr Bentley looked at both boys with wide eyes as they were pulled into his office and sat down in front of him.

"Logan and Blake decided it was appropriate to start fighting in my lesson" Mr Dylan explained.

"I see" Mr Bentley sighed, his eyes darting from Logan to Blake.

"Do you have anything to say for yourselves?" Mr Dylan prompted, admittedly confused as to why they had been fighting too.  

"He started it" Logan looked at Blake in disgust.

"I don't care who started it. Both of you know better than to be fighting" Mr Bentley raised his voice.

"What was the problem?" Mr Bentley asked.

Blake shrugged, not wanting to admit he had been antagonising Logan to begin with.

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