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Logan led the way as he and Alfie came out of Mr Tyler's classroom and into the crowded hallway. Logan walked to the nearest bathroom but immediately knew Alfie wouldn't go inside because there was at least ten other students inside.

"Let's go to the locker room bathroom" Logan said before quickly changing direction.

Before even going into the locker room Logan could hear a group of guys talking inside. He looked at Alfie wondering if maybe he could be extra brave today.

Without Logan having to say anything Alfie knew what he was insinuating. Alfie shook his head, stepping backwards away from the locker room door.

"I need you to try on the potty before we go to Spanish" Logan explained.

Again, Alfie reluctantly shook his head.

"Buddy" Logan said quite sternly.

"I can't" Alfie sighed.

"I know it's scary when there's other people in there, but you're going to have to be a really big boy" Logan encouraged.

Still, Alfie did nothing but shake his head.

Logan wasn't particularly sure what to do at this point. He knew that it was important for Alfie to go to the bathroom before class, but he couldn't exactly force him when there was so many other students around.

"If you're not going to go to the potty we're going to go to Mr Bentley's office and put you in a pull-up" Logan decided.

Alfie was horrified by the idea. He couldn't help that he wasn't brave enough to go to the bathroom at the moment.

"Nu-uh" Alfie whined childishly.

"It's your choice" Logan responded with his eyebrows raised.

"I haven't had an accident. I don't need a pull-up" Alfie continued to whine.

"And if you don't go to the potty now you will have an accident" Logan assumed.

"I won't" Alfie argued.

"Come on" Logan said, getting sick of Alfie's defiance.

Logan grabbed Alfie by the wrist and pulled him in the direction of Mr Bentley's office.

Alfie tried aimlessly to tug himself away, but Logan was far too strong. After a couple of weak attempts he gave up and allowed himself to be dragged through the hallway.

"Sir" Logan said once they arrived at Mr Bentley's office.

"Logan. Alfie. Come in" Mr Bentley smiled.

Logan let go of Alfie's arm and let him walk into the office himself, following closely behind him.

"What's up?" Mr Bentley asked.

"Alfie won't come to the bathroom and I'm worried that'll mean he'll have an accident" Logan explained.

"I see" Mr Bentley began.

"Alfie, do you need a wee?" He continued.

Alfie shook his head.

"But don't you think it's a smart idea to go to the bathroom before class anyway?" Mr Bentley proposed.

Alfie shrugged his shoulders.

"With his new meds he doesn't really even know when he needs to go or not" Logan interjected.

"I understand. But, if Alfie is saying he doesn't want to go and try then there is nothing really we can do" Mr Bentley admitted.

"Can I have the backpack?" Logan asked.

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