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"I'll come with you, Alfie. Try not to worry" Mr Bentley said as the paramedics got Alfie set up on the stretcher.

Alfie looked at Logan. He wanted to beg him to come with him too, but he also felt very betrayed by his recent actions.

Logan didn't feel like he deserved to come either. He definitely should have stepped in, but he chose to salvage his own reputation over keeping Alfie safe.

The paramedics then lifted the stretcher up, carrying Alfie out into the ambulance.

As the sunlight hit Alfie's face, he began feeling disorientated all over again. He desperately tried to keep his composure, yet he still found himself clinging to consciousness.

"Buddy, can you keep your eyes open for me?" the paramedic asked Alfie as he watched him worryingly close his eyes.

Alfie groaned, squinting his eyes. He was now in the safety of the ambulance, but the lights still felt far too bright.

Without warning, Alfie turned his head to the side and started being sick again. But this time, the sight of blood made everything more alarming.

The paramedics acted quickly, giving Alfie a bowl to catch the still spewing throw up.

"Help" Alfie managed to force himself to say between throwing up.

"Buddy, we're doing everything we can. I know it all seems a little bit scary, but the reason you're throwing up is because you've swallowed quite a bit of blood from your nose and your body doesn't know how else to get it out" the paramedic explained.

As Alfie continued to be sick he felt his nappy grow warm beneath his bottom. Evidently the muscle relaxer that he had been given was still working in full force, as Alfie didn't even feel his body release itself.

Alfie didn't think it was important to tell anybody because they already knew his nappy was wet from his previous accident, so he kept this to himself.

Mr Bentley held his hand on Alfie's back as he was sick, trying to give him some form of comfort in such an overwhelming time.

"You'll be okay soon, Alfie" Mr Bentley tried to convince Alfie, but it wasn't particularly working at all.

Once Alfie's sickness had seemed to subside the ambulance started moving in the direction of the hospital.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened?" The paramedic who wasn't driving the ambulance asked.

"Blake was mad because he got told he wasn't allowed to go on the school trip next week and he thought it was my fault" Alfie divulged.

"You know that's not true, right?" Mr Bentley couldn't help but interrupt.

"I guess not" Alfie wasn't convinced.

"He's not going on that school trip because the way he treated you was completely out of line and he knows that. I'm not even sure he's going to be allowed to stay at the school after the way he behaved today" Mr Bentley added.

The conversation came to an abrupt ending as the ambulance pulled in outside of the hospital. Alfie was the carried in and placed in a bed and a heart rate monitor was attached to his chest.

"Now that we've stabilised your vitals I'm going to call up the resident urologist to come and have a look at your tummy" the paramedic told Alfie before leaving the room.

"I'm fucked" Alfie boldly said out loud.

Usually, Mr Bentley would've pulled Alfie up on his language, but due to the circumstances he understood the necessity of the comment.

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