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Once Alfie had got home from Logan's house he lay quietly on his bed for a moment. There was something about the way Logan dominated him that he liked, even though he knew he shouldn't. He went to sleep that night feeling quite confused about the whole situation, and wondered mostly how Logan was going to treat him at school the next day.

It was 7:30 when Alfie's alarm went off in the morning.

He quickly got himself dressed, having a long shower before putting his clothes on, then threw some clean pants into his school bag.

"I'm sorry I came in so late last night, sweetheart. Work has been so busy lately. I came in to say good night but you were already asleep" Alfie's mum said as she walked into his bedroom and sat on the end of his bed.

"That's okay" Alfie smiled, knowing what was coming because of the wet clothes he had put in the laundry basket the night before.

"I noticed your clothes in the laundry" Alfie's mum began. "So, you had an accident at school, huh?" She continued.

Alfie shrugged. Wasn't that obvious?

"What happened?" Alfie's mum kept questioning.

"I wet myself" Alfie said obviously. He didn't want to be having this conversation.

"I know that, buddy, but why?" Alfie's mum rephrased.

"I just couldn't wait" Alfie answered vaguely.

"Sweetheart, I know this is difficult, but you're going to have to try a little bit harder to make it to the bathroom" Alfie's mum spoke softly. She knew these type of conversations upset Alfie, but she also knew they had to be said.

"I am trying" Alfie protested sadly.

"I've made you an appointment with your doctor so we can talk through our options" Alfie's mum stated.

"What options?" Alfie asked cluelessly.

"The options for what we're going to do if you keep having accidents" Alfie's mum explained.

Alfie looked at his mum, not impressed by the idea.

"Look. I know your accidents started when your dad died, but it's been months and they still aren't getting any better. I wouldn't be doing my job as a mum if I didn't help" Alfie's mum went on to say.

Alfie had always struggled with his bladder, having to go to the bathroom a lot more often than most people, but as his mum had said, his accidents only really started when his dad died.

His dad was always the one to take him to the bathroom when he needed it, and never once made him feel bad for how often he had to go. Ever since he was gone nobody had done that for Alfie, which made everything seemed to spiral out of control. Alfie wanted nothing more than his dad to be here to help him, but he knew that wasn't something that could happen.

"I love you" Alfie's mum said before cuddling him closely.

"Love you too" Alfie whispered, closing his eyes and letting himself be held by his mum.

After a few moments of silence Alfie's mum let go, holding Alfie by the shoulders.

"Let's get you to school" she smiled, but inside she was hurting too.

Alfie arrived at school early. He quickly went to Mr Bentley's office to drop off his clean pants then headed out to the football field.

He sat on the bench and watched the football team's practice, scouring the field looking for Logan.

"If you don't start working harder I'll start looking for a new quarterback, Logan" Coach Dylan shouted at what Alfie assumed to be Logan.

Not long after that practice was over, and all of the boys were heading in Alfie's direction to the locker room.

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