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I'm so sorry for this- 

This one-shot is brought to you by Vivi not being sorry at all. 

Grian POV 

     The Civil war was going on for way too long. It's about time we finished it. The battle for the flag is upon us, and right now, I have to get back. I got the flag, but we're about to run out of lives. 

     As I run through the field, I trip over a rock. I pick myself back up, looking behind me. Doc is running towards me as fast as possible, holding a ConCorp mystery potion. I try to start running again, but my leg gives out under me. I sprained it! Dangit! Doc dashes up, throwing the potion. It crashes on impact, shattering into 1000 little pieces. The liquid sprays all over, getting some in my mouth. I spit it out as fast as possible, waiting for it to hurt, and waiting for Doc to take my life. The stuff starts dripping from my hair into my eyes, and once it gets in my eyes, well, that's when it started to hurt. 

     I frantically rubbed my face, trying to get it out, but only succeeding to get more in. I screamed out in pain, squirming on the ground. "Grian! Grian, oh no I'm sorry, I didn't think it would hurt this badly." Doc apologized. I feel my communicator buzz once, and then repeatedly. Doc started trying to use a healing potion on me, but it was too late, and the blackness of death took over my vision. 




     I awoke with a jolt, feeling the familiar bed of the G-Team base. Phew. My eyes stopped hurting. What was that potion? I felt around for a light switch. Why is it so dark in here? It should be-It should be bright in here. The lighting is made of end rods. They don't turn off. I start rapidly blinking, breathing way too fast. Footsteps start approaching. 

     "Grian!" Cleo. "Grian, thank goodness your alright. Doc said the mystery potion was too powerful, and you started screaming in pain, and you almost got me worried!" Cleo rambled on, not noticing how stressed out I was. 

     "Cleo." I call out. 

     "Yes?" She responds. 

     "How light is it in here?" I ask, not sure if I wanted the answer. 

     "It's really bright in here Grian." Cleo confirmed my suspicions. "Why?" 

     "Cleo." I whisper. "I can't see anything." 

     "What do you mean?" She chuckles nervously. "Grian, are you joking with me?" 

     "No." My head is spinning. I can't see. I can't see. This will wear off, right? It'll go away, and I can continue as normal, and I'll be able to see again! Colors and images flash through my brain. I'll be able to see again. I have to be able to see again. Please let me be able to see again. I didn't even notice I was hyperventilating until I passed out. 




     I woke up slowly this time. There were fuzzy voices. Am I able to see? Did it wear off? I open my eyes, but the only thing I saw was disappointment and black. A low whimper escaped my throat, and immediately the voices stopped. 

     "Grian." Xisuma gently spoke. "Did it wear off?" 

     "I can't see anything." I whisper. The air in the room, I don't even know what room, got twice as thick with that one sentence. 

     "You did this!" Mumbo suddenly yelled. A thump and a scuffle could be heard. "You made him blind!" 

     "I didn't know it would do that!" Doc. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing else I can do." I felt tears slowly creeping out of my eyes, the warm liquid seeping down the side of my cheeks. 

     "I'm never going to see again, am I?" I ask. Silence follows my question. "Tell me!" I demand. 

     It was Xisuma who finally answered. "I'm so sorry Grian." My blood turned to ice. "But no." 

Part two coming soon! 

Edit: It says in the stats that there were three comments on April 15, but there are only two comments on the entire book, so I'm incredibly confused. The power of the angst is incredible. 

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