Dangerous Game(4)

764 20 25

I probably should mention, at any time, you can request a one-shot. The only thing that I won't do is ships because while I do ship a few of the hermits, I have a hard time actually writing it. It's just weird for me. Anyways, here's your part! 

Grian POV

     The back of my base. I don't want to do it. But it's just begging me at this point. I might as well get it done. Sigh. I should go get the materials. I need all of those blocks though. . . Whatever. I already committed myself to doing this. Let's crack on. 

     It looks so much better than I thought. It was also so much easier than I thought. I should have done the back a long time ago! 

[Grian] I made the back of my base! 

[MumboJumbo] No you didnt 

[GoodTimesWithScar] I need to see! 

[ZomebieCleo] are we sure this is our Grian? 

     Scar landed next to me with a thump. 

[GoodTimesWithScar] Im here, and he really did 

[GoodTimesWithScar] its complete

     The next few dings were filled with congratulations and happy little notes. This feels really good. Maybe I should complete the back more often. This is kinda nice. Anyways, what do I do now? Maybe I could. . . 

It was so hard to not kill him here, you gave the absolute perfect chance. 

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