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I'm sorry. This was really funny. I just had to.

It has been more than a two years and my autocorrect still wants me to say COFFEECOFFEECOFFEECOFFEE every single time I type coffee.

Worth it.

No one POV

     Impulse and Zedaph were eating cereal. They ran out of milk, so Zed was eating it with water. Impulse, was eating it dry. Impulse doesn't like it dry. 

     "What if put coffee in my cereal. . ." Impulse questioned, slowly moving his hand towards the coffee. 

     But what if you didn't. . ." Zed stopped him, nudging the coffee pot away from Impulse. 

     "But what if I did. . ." Impulse said while reaching across the table. He just about grabs the pot when Zed lightly slaps his hand. 

     "No!" He scolds him. Impulse does something that Zed didn't expect. He reached under the table. Zed thought-There's no way he's going to reach the coffee from there. What is he doing? 

     Impulse pulled out a bazooka from under his chair. 

     "YES!" He screamed. Zed panicked. 

     "NO YOU MANIAC!" He screamed at Impulse, grabbing the bazooka and throwing it. 

     "WHO THE HECK THREW A BAZOOKA AT ME?" Xisuma yelled after being hit by the large bomb gun. 

     "COFFEECOFFEECOFFEECOFFEE!" Impulse started chanting as he pulled a nuke-yes a nuke-out from under the table. 

     Zed starts shrieking at the top of his lungs, I mean shouts in a very manly voice. "WHAT THE HECK IMPULSE!" In a blind panic, he throws all the coffee down his throat, effectively burning himself. 

     "COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Impulse sang to the tune of let it go while chucking the nuke as hard as he can towards Xisuma. 

     "OH GODS!" Xisuma looks up for a moment and then starts fumbling with commands to try and get rid of it. In the panic, he drops his communicator and while trying to pick it up, he trips over the nuke and stumbles. 

     Impulse, still screeching about coffee, throws his cereal at the nuke. 

     "NO!" Xisuma yells. Since he threw his cereal at the nuke, one piece of it got stuck in a very important location, effectively disarming it. 

     Impulse was never let around coffee again. 

I'm sorry this isn't a griangst one shot, but I loved this conversation too much. Hermitpad is just the best. 

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