Dangerous Game(2)

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So I don't really know how to make a wholesome prank but I'll try my best. 

Grian POV

You whispered to Iskall85: why not 

     That'll be fun. It won't be too bad, so he won't get too mad. Ok, now where in the world is Iskall? 

Timeskip brought to you by me being lazy. . . 

     Iskall and I made a fall trap. We added water at the bottom so he won't get hurt, and once he gets down, it'll dispense a diamond at him. There will be a ladder to go back up, and he can just fill in the hole. It won't be too bad. 

     "AAHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed a Mumbo who had fallen(literally) for our trap. He slashed in the water at the bottom, just staring at Iskall and I. It then dispensed the diamond at his face. "Ow." 

     "Hahahaa!" I laughed. "We got you!" Iskall and I then scarpered up the ladder. 

     "That was great G." Iskall congratulated me. "You always the best at pranks." 

     "Thanks." I said. "I'm gonna head out now. I still have to INSERT COMMENT HERE, so I can't hang around. Cya!" 

What does Grian do next? 

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