Tides of War

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Grian POV

     Another pointless battle. The watcher general was terrible when it came to strategy. He kept pushing on impossible locations they were unpushable. Why did I get stuck with him? 

     I bitterly rubbed a tender bruise. I already bandaged more gashes and tears than I care to count. It doesn't hurt as much anymore. I'm used to it. 

     Why fight a pointless war? Why fight a battle that you were destined to lose from the moment it started? Is it even worth fighting anymore? 

     All the people I used to know. They didn't make it. They died for nothing so long ago. Absolutely nothing. 

     What do we get if we win? Nothing. The admins would just regroup somewhere, stay out for sight for maybe a month or two, and pop back up as strong as ever. How do I know? This happened before. 

      The number of times is uncountable. The battle is uncontrollable. The war of two kinds, forever clashing with each other, neither able to win, but both still try. 

     People say that the battle can never last forever. A victor has to come out someday. That's not true. 

     The currents of conflict are ever shifting, but the tides of war never change. 

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