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I wanted to do another interactive, and the retry of How Sad was just too short, so now we have this. Try to pick the option that scares you the most, ok? 

Grian POV

     I ran down the corridor. Sweat dripped down my forehead as my own best friend tried to kill me. 

     "I'm sorry Mumbo!" I cried. "Please don't hurt me!" 

     "Little Grian begging again." He snarled. A part of me knew that whoever was chasing me wasn't Mumbo. The other part believed that was Mumbo as hard that I couldn't think anything else. "Pathetic. I never wanted to be your friend. I just felt sorry for you." 

     My already broken heart wrenched at that last comment. I have to get out of here. I was fast, but he was faster. Which way should I go? 

You turn. 

Five options. One leads to death. One leads to freedom. Three go deeper into the dark. Which one do you choose? 

A. Go left. There seems to be a light over there, but it's too far to see. Maybe it's an exit? 

B. Go right. The dark is scary, but Mumbo was afraid of the dark. He might not follow in there. 

C. Go straight. Up ahead, there's a door. There's no way of knowing what's on the other side, but it could be freedom. 

D. Stay here and hide. He might not be able to find properly, and then just bolt while he's not looking. 

E. Turn back. Run to Mumbo. You were his best friend for so long. Maybe that will count for something. 

Choose wisely. 

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