Chapter 4: Garden Stroll

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A light breeze sent a lock of hair across Amelia's face and tickled her nose. Pushing it back, she glanced up at Leighton—no, Preston—as they ambled through the dark garden, her hand on his arm. While hanging lanterns provided some light, the darkness prevailed where their flames could not quite reach. It felt almost like a different world out there, away from the crush of the ballroom and with the whispers of other couples around them, some she could not even see.

"I've never been out in the garden during a ball before," she admitted.

Preston scoffed. "I certainly hope so."

She'd never ventured further outside than a balcony or terrace until now, never having felt the need to risk her reputation by going for a stroll with anyone. Preston's response, however, sparked her playfulness. Grabbing his arm a little tighter, she tilted her head to look up at his profile in the semi-darkness. "It feels almost forbidden. Like anything can happen out here."

The narrowing of his eyes implied he did not like the direction of their discussion. "You should never allow a gentleman to take you to the garden unless you are happy to chance whether he will try to kiss you. Which could be devastating for your reputation."

"Not every man would take liberties simply because a lady agrees to take the air." She rolled her eyes at the ridiculous notion.

"You'd be surprised." Preston turned his head to look at her. "Do not risk it. You are the daughter of a duke. The scandal would quickly travel through all of London."

"True," she agreed with a slight smile. "But because I am the daughter of a duke, once safely married, no one would dare say another word about it."

"Just—" He cut himself short and sighed. "Just be careful. I know you have your sights set on Pensington, but you should not even walk like this with him if you wish to remain safe. He is an honourable man and would do nothing to risk your reputation, but he is rather popular among the ladies and all it takes is one vicious rumour from a jealous rival and your reputation will be tarnished."

"That seems rather unfair." She pursed her lips in thought. "What if I want Pensington to kiss me? Then can I join him for a walk in a dark garden?"


The vehement exclamation made her jump, and she turned her head to stare at him. He wasn't looking at her, his gaze trained on a couple further into the garden. His dark brows were drawn and the corners of his mouth strained.

Glancing at her, he cleared his throat and visibly relaxed. "As I said, you should join no one out here, ideally."

She couldn't resist a teasing grin. "But I am out here with you right now." Looking around, she made sure no one was watching them before slipping in between the trees into a darkened section of the garden, then she turned to see Preston glaring after her.

"Brilliant," he muttered. A quick glance around, then he stepped into the relative darkness with her. "What are you playing at?" he complained. "If anyone catches us like this, there will be hell to pay."

She chuckled. "Then maybe you shouldn't have followed me."

"Yes," he replied sarcastically, "because it would have made much more sense for people to see me standing there talking to a tree."

"Are you worried about your reputation?" she teased.

He took a step closer, and with his tall form so near, it made her realise how small the space between the trees was and how intimate it felt. She could see little but his outline against the lighter path on the other side of the trees. The scent of sandalwood enveloped her as he leaned down,

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