Chapter 16: Blinding Lights

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Her heart beat painfully against her ribs as Amelia waited for Preston's answer to her scandalous suggestion. His hand at her waist flexed, but he said nothing. Why was he not responding?


His mouth crashed into hers, and he pulled her into his arms, his kiss urgent and passionate as he devoured her. Excitement flared inside her. This was it. If they went through with this plan, there was no going back. She should be worried about losing her innocence, but she wasn't. Preston might have been a rake before, but said he had given up that life once he realised he wanted her. If that wasn't proof he was worth taking a chance on, she wasn't sure what was.

"We cannot stay here." He raised his head and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before lifting her off the desk and taking her hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her breath coming in short bursts. This was both scary and exhilarating. Soon she would know what the married ladies of her acquaintance were whispering about when they thought she couldn't hear. Some things she'd overheard made it sound like a man's attentions were the last thing she should want, but so far, everything Preston had done with her had been sinfully enjoyable.

He pulled her along out of the library and down a hallway. When he looked back at her and grinned wickedly, her stomach did an awkward somersault.

"To my bedroom."

They reached his upstairs bedroom not long after, and when he closed the door behind them, she shivered. This was incredibly exciting. And maybe just a touch daunting. She was, after all, hopelessly inexperienced in these things.

Preston moved ahead of her, lighting a few candles to assist the fire in the grate in illuminating the room. Even with the candles, it was difficult to see details properly without daylight pouring in through the windows. From what she could tell, the walls were a deep green, while decorative cushions and fabrics were mostly a rich marigold. A large four-poster bed opposite the fireplace drew her eyes to it, and she quickly forgot about any other piece of furniture.

"Have you changed your mind?"

She nearly jumped as Preston came up next to her, his hand rubbing her upper arm. "No, but I would lie if I did not admit to finding it a little frightening." Looking up at his loving face, she smiled wryly. "I have never done this."

His hand on her arm slid down to capture her hand, and he lifted it to his lips for a kiss. "You know, we could simply say that I have compromised you. I hardly think your brothers would question it."

"We could," she allowed. "But I don't want to leave."

"Then we'll go slow." Still holding her hand, he used his other one to loosen the fingers of her glove before sliding it off. Finally being skin to skin, he turned her hand over and placed a kiss in her palm. The light stubble on his chin tickled, and the touch sent a jolt of awareness up her arm. "If at any time you want me to stop, just say so."

She nodded. Or at least she thought she did. Every cell in her body was on edge, fully focused on every little thing he did. The gentle tug as he pulled off her other glove. His hands on her shoulders as he turned her towards the fireplace and he stood behind her to unbutton the back of her gown. Warm lips against the shell of her ear as the fabric fell to the floor at her feet.

Sliding his hands along the side of her chest and waist, he placed a teasing kiss below her ear, and his hot breath fanned her neck. She shuddered when he continued kissing and nibbling on her neck as he unhurriedly unlaced her stays. As soon as the garment joined her dress on the floor, he stepped closer, bringing her back against his tall frame.

His arm moved around her waist, warm even through the remaining layer of her thin shift. The only thing she was still wearing other than her shoes and stockings. Her body tingled with anticipation of what might come next. A hand cupped her breast through the fabric and her eyes fluttered closed as Preston gently massaged her. When his thumb flicked across her nipple, she gasped as another jolt shocked her.

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