Chapter 11: Visitor

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Preston sat at his desk sorting through some correspondence when there was some commotion outside the door to his combined library and study. Curious, he put the papers down and stood, but before he could move further than the other side of his desk, the door opened and his butler entered, his white brows drawn in what would have been annoyance in someone less accomplished in looking proper at all times.

"My lord." Giles cleared his throat. "Lady Amelia has come to call."

The butler barely had time to finish the sentence before Amelia burst through the door behind him. Preston had to work hard not to grin at the scene. The wings of Giles's hawk-like nose flared. This was not something the strict butler would appreciate. An unmarried young lady should not be calling on a bachelor, and she most certainly should not be forcing herself into his study without waiting to be invited.

"Thank you, Giles." Preston nodded to the old man, who left with a barely perceptible huff and closed the door behind him.

"What are you playing at?" Amelia snapped as she stopped halfway into the room, one of her hands motioning in the air as if she was pointing to something more tangible than a declaration she had not appreciated.

Amused, he leaned back against his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought we talked about how it's a bad idea for you to visit me on your own?"

Amelia's eyes caught his, and her eyebrows knotted. "I am not in the mood for teasing, Preston," she said. "What was that spectacle this morning? Coming to call on me? In front of everyone! Richmond even took me aside after and reminded me of what a rake you are and that I ought to be careful around you."

"It was exactly what I said it was." The calmer he remained, the more agitated she appeared to become. Unable to stay still, she paced the room. But his next words stopped her short. "I wish to court you."

"No." She shook her head, making the carefully arranged curls at her temples bounce.

"No? Just no? I don't even get a reason?"

"You know my objections."

"Ah yes." He stood and took a step towards her. "I am a rake and you have no interest in rakes."

"Exactly." She chewed on her lower lip as she watched him, and it did not escape his notice that she had not moved away as he came closer.

"That's rather narrow-minded, don't you think?" He was enjoying this far too much. It was an unusual sight to see Amelia's feathers ruffled. "Do you not believe people can change?"

She huffed. "A rake choosing to spend his life with one woman when he's used to chasing after plenty? I think not."

Lifting one shoulder in a shrug, Preston took another step towards her. "It happens. We all grow up and realise we must settle down eventually."

"Very romantic," she muttered.

He lifted an eyebrow. "Would you like me to be?"

She shifted from one foot to the other as her eyes avoided his. "N... No. It was just an observation." Finding her confidence again, her brown eyes narrowed at him. "And deciding to settle down is not the same as choosing to be faithful to your wife."

"That is true. I cannot argue with your logic." When she opened her mouth to say something else, he continued, "However, I would like the chance to prove you wrong. And you should know that when I marry, I will never stray from the marriage bed."

"You can't know that."

"I can. Because I am a man of my word." Taking the steps separating them, he took her gloved hands in his and brought them to his lips for a soft kiss. Her mouth dropped open as she stared up at him. "And if you were my wife, why would I ever want anyone else?"

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