Chapter 13: Library Talks

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It was not with a little trepidation that Preston entered Gowthorpe's library a short while later. He wasn't sure what he had hoped to accomplish by following Amelia to the ball, but he knew this definitely wasn't it. Adrian was his best friend, and he always enjoyed his company, but for possibly the first time in his life, he wished the man had not shown up. Maybe he should be grateful they had not been kissing. Finding him leaning close to Amelia whispering in her ear wasn't much better, though. Such familiarity was definitely not proper.

The Warble siblings were arguing when he entered the room, but stopped when they heard the soft click of the door closing behind him. As they turned towards him, it struck him how similar they were in both looks and personality. They had the same dark brown hair and brown eyes, and they both enjoyed a good laugh. He supposed it was no wonder he enjoyed the company of both. Though Amelia's in a far different way to her brother's.

Adrian crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at Preston, his brow furrowed. "Care to explain what's going on?" he asked.

"Not particularly," Preston admitted honestly, earning him a glare. His friend did not appreciate his humour today.

"Because it looked to me like you were trying to seduce my sister." One of Adrian's arms flung out to point toward Amelia. "My sister, Leighton! You usually steer clear of debutantes for the same reasons I do, so to think you would so easily dishonour my sister is beyond belief!"

"Then don't believe it," Preston muttered, then as Adrian's face darkened and he took a step towards him, he quickly added, "Because I never would, dammit! I don't know what Richmond told you, but I made it clear to him that my intentions towards Amelia are honourable."

"That's not what it looked like."

Considering what he had been whispering in Amelia's ear, Preston wasn't surprised. Honourable might be pushing it. He wanted to do many wicked things with her. A quick glance confirmed that she still hovered behind her brother, her eyes narrowed as she watched their argument. He suspected she did not enjoy being spoken about as if she wasn't there.

"I wish to court her," he said. "I've been asking her permission to do so." That wasn't too far from the truth.

"Court her?" Adrian let out a surprised bark of laughter. "But she's my sister!"

"I'm aware of that. Despite that one flaw of character—" He paused for a moment as Amelia snorted with laughter, then continued, "I'm rather fond of her."

"You are not nearly as amusing as you think you are," Adrian muttered. "But fine. You wish to court her. You cannot."

Preston straightened as he met his friend's icy stare. "I am rather tired of being told who I can and cannot court. The only one whose opinion I care about in this regard is Amelia's."

"You're a rake!" Adrian spat.

"So are you! The day you wish to court a lady, I hope her family is less judgemental about your past than you are about mine."

They stared at each other for several breaths and Preston couldn't help but wonder if his friend would punch him. Adrian groaned. "I see your point," he said. "But I struggle to see you with Amelia. She's my sister, dammit, and I don't want her with a rake."

"I think she should be allowed to choose for herself." He could only hope she would choose him.

Adrian turned to his sister. She looked like a deer caught in the hunter's aim. "Amelia? Do you want Leighton to be allowed to court you?"

"I... We..."

Her words stalled, and Preston's stomach plummeted. Maybe attraction was the only thing she felt for him. The rake was good for no more than a few kisses, after all.

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