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"When I came to Hogwarts, I met Lily Evans. She and I became friends very quickly." Mum started, with a small smile on her face.

"And I became friends with James just as quickly, if not more." Sirius added.

They both had far-off looks, like they were traveling back in time.

"You have to know, Lily loathed James. But James loved Lily from the day he set eyes on her." Mum laughed. "In our fifth year, Lily suddenly went crazy for James. They were inseparable, and our groups merged together."

"That's when your mum had a thing with Remus," Sirius winked.

"Sirius!" she scolded. "Shut your mouth!"

"It's true," he nodded to me. "They would hang out in the Astronomy Tower together all the time."

"Wait...is that why our owl is named Moony? After your old fling?!" My jaw dropped. "Ew!"

"Hush," Mum said. "Anyway, I broke off things with Remus when we kissed for the first time, and I realized I only saw him as a friend— as a brother."

"That's when she got the hots for me." Sirius smirked.

"I'm telling the story here!" Mum rolled her eyes.

"That's what you think." Sirius stood up. "Now, your mother is a poetry nerd, as you know. Well, she used to read said poetry in the common room. Every. Single. Night."

"Not every night!"

Sirius shook his head at me. He started pacing the room.

"One night, I stole her book and read some of the poems aloud to everyone in the common room. It was quite beautiful—"

"—horrible, it was absolutely—"

"—amazing, brought tears to people's eyes. She was real cross with me for that bit."

"About a week after that, I started finding poems scrawled on parchment everywhere." Mum said. "On the couch where I read, in my books, taped to the post of my bed—"

"—That one was tough to pull off." Sirius cut in.

"As I was saying," Mum shot him a dirty look, "I found them everywhere. They started off cheesy, but over time, they got more romantic."

"That was our "thing"." Sirius looked at Mum. "She started writing poems back to me. That's how I asked her out. Through a poem."

Sirius sat down next to Mum again. They smiled at each other for a long time.

"We dated from the end of fifth year through all of sixth. Lily and James were ecstatic." Sirius grinned.

"But in March of sixth year, I was terribly sick all the time," Mum said. "I could barely go to my classes. Everyone was worried. When I went to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey knew exactly what was wrong."

"What was it?" I asked, curiousity getting the best of me.

"I was pregnant."

Sirius squeezed Mum's hand.

"It was hard to believe. I hid it from Sirius for almost a month after. I didn't know what to do."

"She told me in April." said Sirius. "I was stupid, at first. I distanced myself. But James smacked some sense into me. He told me I was better than that."

"We decided to have the baby, and Sirius stayed with me that summer."

"I had left home when I was sixteen," he explained. "Couldn't stand my mother any longer. So I stayed around to help your mum, and I even met her parents. It was terrifying, really."

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