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We reached the first passageway with a small group following close behind.

"Alright, spread out! Half of you lot go with Lee to watch the passages on the West side of the castle!" Fred shouted.

"How long can we hold them off?" George questioned.

"Not long enough," Fred shook his head, throwing some enchantments at a passage entrance. "Aberforth said all seven passageways are blocked, but we ought to reinforce them."

"Good idea," I looked over to see Aberforth standing a few feet away.

"Sorry, but who are you?" I asked.

The old man chuckled.

"That's Dumbledore's brother," George said. "He's been helping the Order."

"Helping is a generous word." Aberforth said. "But I reckon I'm here now. Any suggestions?"

"They might need help with the One-Eyed Witch passage near the Defense classroom." Fred replied.

Aberforth nodded and ran in the other direction.

"Think this one is fine?" George asked, motioning to the covered entrance where a passageway had once been.

Fred leaned in, pressing his ear against the concealed hole.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of Harry sprinting by. The castle quaked again, and then he was gone.

A bright jet of light flew right past my head, shattering the window in front of us. George took out his wand and sent a hex flying toward the grounds.

"Get down, Ella!" Fred called, gripping his wand tightly.

"Let's move!" George shouted.

We tore down the hall, turning a corner to see Ginny, her wand drawn at the next window, which was missing several panes. She was sending a well-aimed jinx into a crowd of fighters below.

"Ginny?!" the twins roared.

"What are you doing here?" George questioned furiously.

"Harry needed to get in the Room!" she replied. "I was waiting here with Tonks."

"Tonks?!" I repeated. "Why is she here? Where did she go?"

"Aberforth said he saw Lupin on the grounds, and she just ran off!" Ginny said, sending another curse out the window.

"Stay here and stay out of sight!" Fred instructed his sister.

We said quick goodbyes and hurried on, but the unmistakable noises of dueling filled the hall.

The Death Eaters were here...

It didn't take long to come face to face with the enemy. Two Death Eaters cornered us as we reached the end of the corridor.

"Stupefy!" the three of us sent Stunning spells at them. They were knocked over with incredible force, leaving us just enough time to escape.

"Maybe you should go with Ginny—" Fred began, but I cut him off.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" I cried.

As we headed up the staircase, we saw two masked figures close in on Percy.

George sent a hex toward the first Death Eater, and Percy finished him off, sending him flying into the wall. The second was still firing jets of light in every direction, and managed to knock George off his feet. I sent an Impediment Jinx toward him, but he threw up a Shield just in time.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of light come from the corner of my eye. Ducking quickly, I missed a hex that came from behind; three more Death Eaters now appeared, leaving us outnumbered.

Suddenly, Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran toward us. Jets of light flew in every direction and the man dueling Percy backed off, fast. His hood slipped, revealing his identity:

"Hello, Minister!" bellowed Percy, sending a jinx straight at Thicknesse, who dropped his wand. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

"You're joking, Perce!" shouted Fred as the Death Eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of three separate Stunning Spells. "You actually are joking, Perce. . . . I don't think I've heard you joke since you were—"

Just then, the air exploded. I felt my body move against its will from the pure force of the explosion. Yells from my friends echoed in my ears, and then I hit the floor, shielding my head with my hands. My ears were ringing then, and my head ached from the impact.

I felt cold air blow through, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that part of the wall had been destroyed. A few feet away, a blonde girl was dueling a Death Eater.

I tried to pick myself up, but pain shot through my leg. I looked down to see blood pooling on the stone floor.

"Fred!" I cried out, but my voice was hoarse and unsteady.

Trying to look over my shoulder, I saw Ron helping Hermione up. Harry was standing with Percy a little farther over. George was frozen in place, his face white as a ghost.

No, no, no...

"Fred!" I screamed again, using all my remaining energy to pull myself off the ground. Limping slightly, I hurried over to the small crowd. Debris covered the corridor, and cracks formed in the remaining wall.

And then I saw him.

His red hair was covered in dust, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping.

He couldn't be...

I let out a horrible, gut-wrenching scream. I felt like I was detached from my body, watching the events unfold from afar. The noise coming from my mouth didn't even seem human.

We just needed to stay alive...

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