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A.N. slightly mature themes in this chapter. Read at your own discretion!


I shivered, reaching for my blanket.

Ginny must have left the window open... I thought, still struggling to find my covers. Where is the damn thing? I frowned, still covered in goosebumps.

As I opened my eyes, I saw that I had no blanket. I also had no bed.

"Shit!" I gasped. Fred and I had fallen asleep in the gazebo, meaning I had never returned to the Burrow last night.

I looked over at Fred, who was shirtless and dozing peacefully.

"Fred!" I shook him awake. "We need to go, now!" 

"Huh? Oh— oh damn, did we fall asleep?" he asked sleepily.

"Yes!" I was shaking now, the winter air chilling me to the bone. "If Molly finds out, we're dead."

We ran back to the Burrow, pulling our coats on along the way. When we arrived, the house looked lifeless. Thank God.

"Good luck. See you later, love." Fred gave me a kiss on the forehead and Disapparated.

I tiptoed up the stairs, cringing at every creak. Somehow, I slipped into Ginny's room unnoticed and curled back into bed, finally able to breathe.

"Where have you been?" Ginny asked, and I felt my face turn bright red.

"Long story," I sighed, rolling over to face her. "Fred and I may have stayed out a little too late last night..."

"I know," she giggled. "I was still awake when you snuck out. I was wondering when you'd come back. I hope you had fun."

"Thanks, Gin." I smiled.


After catching up on my sleep I went downstairs for breakfast, even though it was late morning. At the Burrow, there's always a meal to be eaten.

"Good morning, Ella!" Mrs. Weasley grinned, setting a plate full of food in front of Ron. "I was just mentioning to Ginny, did you happen to see the twins last night?"

"After they left? No," I said hesitantly.

"That's strange," she clicked her tongue. "I swore I saw George when I looked out the window last night..."

Ginny and I exchanged wary glances.

"Oh, well," Mrs. Weasley shrugged. "Ron, Harry, I'll need your help with these decorations! Lots to do!"

I scarfed down some eggs and toast, then headed back upstairs to get dressed. But as I took off my shirt, Crack! Fred Apparated into the room.

"Fred! Seriously!" I gasped, throwing my shirt at his face. "A little privacy, please!"

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he shrugged.

"What if Ginny had been the one changing? You can't just Apparate here whenever you please!"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry. Now, how about you take those off too?" he teased, pulling at the waist of my pants.

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