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Fred kissed me on the forehead and rushed up to his dormitory. After a few minutes, he returned with a large bottle.

"What are we celebrating, exactly?" I asked curiously.

"Dunno, got any ideas?"

"Only a few more months until we don't have to deal with Umbridge anymore." I grinned.

"Definetly worth celebrating. Now, let's go to the Clock Tower," he said, taking my hand in his. "It's more private."

"Are George and Lee going to join us?"

"Nah, they're busy." Fred said, pushing open the portrait door.

Lucky for us, the Fat Lady was snoring loudly, and stayed sound asleep as we left the common room. I closed the portrait behind us, and we set off toward the Clock Tower.

"You know, sometimes I wish I hadn't given Harry that map." Fred whispered as we tiptoed down the corridor.

"Why's that?"

"Filch's bloody cat loves to sneak up on me." he shook his head. "I've had a few close calls."

"Oh, bring a lot of girls out here at night, do you?" I teased.

"Dozens," he said playfully. "But you're special."

"How come?"

We reached the Clock Tower and hurried up the staircase. When we reached the top, Fred put his hand around my waist and leaned so close, our lips were pratically touching.

"Because you're the girl I love."

Our lips connected, and we melted into each other. Nothing else mattered. I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms forever.

After a moment, Fred pulled away slowly.

"Want to open the bottle?" he whispered, and his breath felt hot against my cheeks.

I nodded.

We sat next to each other, passing the bottle back and forth. It didn't take long before I started to feel tipsy.

"Hart, your tolerance is pathetic." Fred said, taking a large swig.

"It is not!" I grabbed the bottle from him. The firewhiskey burnt my throat, but I had grown to like the feeling.

For most of the night, we carried on small talk. Soon, Fred was starting to act like his drunk self. He didn't hesitate to start kissing every inch of my neck.

"You're so pretty," he said, moving from my neck to my chest. "You're like the prettiest girl ever."

"You're so corny, Weasley." I giggled.

He kept kissing my chest, but eventually pulled away and looked at me longingly with his deep brown eyes.

"Kiss me," he said it so quietly, it was barely a whisper.

I didn't hesitate to bring my lips to his. The world disappeared once more, and it was just us. Love and passion took control, and Fred pulled me on top of him.

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