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I looked at Sirius, who had a frightened expression on his face. It didn't take me long to put the pieces together: Sirius was still a wanted criminal, and the Death Eaters would not hesitate to take advantage of that.

"Go." I said immediately. "You need to leave right now!"

Before I could utter another word, he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you. Be safe. We'll be in touch."

He grabbed Mum's hand, and then they were gone.

Guests were Disapparating left and right. In seconds, the protective enchantments surrounding the tent were broken.

Death Eaters shot curses from every direction. I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find Fred.

"Fred!" I shouted, narrowly avoiding another curse.

"Gotcha!" someone said, grabbing me from behind.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked.

"Hold still, or I'll kill ya!" the Death Eater growled, tightening his grip on my wrists.

The Death Eater dragged me outside, where I saw the rest of the Weasleys standing and looking disgruntled.

"Ella!" Fred cried. "Thank God—"

"Shut it!" one of the Death Eaters snapped. "Now, let's make this easy. Tell us where the Potter boy is!"

We all shook our heads.

"Tell us!" another exclaimed.

No one uttered a word.

"Fine. We'll do this the hard way."

The Death Eaters thoroughly interrogated each of us, threatening to use the Cruciatus Curse if we didn't comply.

"Do you know where Harry Potter is?" one Death Eater asked me as he paced in the grass.

"No." I said firmly. It was the truth, too. Harry hadn't even filled in his own godsister on his plans.

"Do you know where Sirius Black is?" another questioned me.

Suddenly, I froze. Surely they couldn't be attempting to track down Sirius...

"No." I said less confidently.

"You're telling me that Sirius Black's daughter doesn't know of his whereabouts?" the Death Eater raised an eyebrow.

How did they know that?! I panicked. Maybe I could play dumb...

"Wait— Sirius Black, the mass murderer, is my father?!" I pretend-gasped.

The Death Eater looked unamused as he raised his wand.

"Ok, I seriously don't know where he is." I admitted.

"She's useless," the Death Eater said to another. "They're all useless."

"Potter will send an owl sooner or later," another cloaked figure replied. "We just have to wait."


Waiting didn't do much good for the Death Eaters. Mr. Weasley sent a Patronus to Harry immediately, letting him know that everyone was safe and he should not attempt to contact us under any circumstances, due to the strict surveillance that the Death Eaters had on us.

He also sent a similar message to Sirius, which only frustrated me a little bit— or a lot. I had no clue where my parents were or if they were ok, and now I would never know.

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