4 Part 1

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“You will only have a cup of coffee? You aren’t eating the bread I bought?” asked Jennie as she sat across Taehyung inside the office.

Taehyung nodded.

He had breakfast at home with Jisoo as he had promised.

And that girl cooked a lot even today..

Did she even get enough sleep? How did she manage to cook that much?

“Oppa..” Jennie had to call him again. “Are you okay?”

Taehyung faked a cough.

His head is filled with thoughts about food.. thanks to that heavy breakfast.

“So.. you will eat at home from today?” asked Jennie softly.

“Not everyday.. just.. a few times..” he replied quickly.

Jennie remained silent for a moment.

“Does.. she like you?” she asked looking at him.

Taehyung seemed surprised.

Does.. she like him? Jisoo?

“I have been thinking about it since she agreed to get married with you..” Jennie continued.

“I’m sure she got married for business..” said Taehyung fast. “Just like me..”

Jennie nodded.

“Well.. if you say so.. then I’ll believe you.. although I have some doubts..”

Taehyung held her hand on the table.

“Don’t worry about her..” he said reassuring her.

But Jennie didn’t seem convinced.

Only a woman can understand another..


Jisoo has been following her mom all day at the department store.

“Mom.. what do you mean tonight?” she said looking frustrated. “I mean.. he might not be able to make it because you said it to me just now..”

Alona turned to her as she handed a dress to one of the ladies attending her.

“He didn’t come last time so he must come tonight.. or else-..” she thinned her eyes as she walked closer to Jisoo. “Or else I’ll come to your house myself..”

Jisoo sighed.

“But mom.. he’s really busy these days and he stays late in his office and-..”

Alone faced her.

“It’s Saturday today..”

Jisoo knit her brows.

“He works on Saturdays too mom..”

“I will have to call his parents then..” Alona said threatening her. “How can he refuse his in laws’ invitation?”

Alona continued shopping leaving Jisoo in despair.

She held her phone in her hands tightly.

How can she just call Taehyung and make him come to her parents’ house just like this? All of a sudden?

She was barely able to convince him to have a meal with her every once in a while and her mom is threatening her to call him for dinner?

And why Saturday of all days? Taehyung must be busy with.. his woman..

I'm just your wifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ