9 Part 3

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Jimin could only watch her as she cried beside him on the passenger’s seat.

He feels mad and disgusted because of his cousin..

How could he make her wait all night? And what? He was with Jennie because he had to watch over her? He must be nuts!

But on the other hand, he feels really bad for this woman.. he wants to do something for her.. he wants to be able to help her in any way but he knows he can’t.. because he isn’t the one she needs..

And it just sucks.. because he also gets hurt while doing nothing to ease her pain..

“Don’t mind me and just drive..” said Jisoo wiping her tears as she turned to him a little.

She feels embarrassed yet thankful to him..

If he hadn’t come then she would still be feeling pitiful in the middle of the streets under the rain..

“I wasn’t even looking at you.. I was just worried you’d make my car dirty..” he said teasing her.

Jisoo chuckled.

“My tears aren’t dirty..” she said in a small voice.

There was a moment of silence between them as she stared outside the window.

The rain has almost stopped.. just like her tears..

Strangely.. she feels a lot better after crying her heart out..

But then she realized that Jimin was  driving towards a different direction from her house.

“Where are we going?” she asked confused.

Jimin smiled a little.

“My house..” he said glancing at her to see the confusion in her face.

Jisoo’s eyes widened.

“Your.. house?” she asked bewildered.

But she knows he lives near the company.. and this place is a lot further from there..

“You’ll end up waiting for him all night if you go home now..” said Jimin taking a deep breath.

Jisoo lowered her gaze a little.

That’s true.. she won’t be able to sleep anyway..

“I come here once in a while when I’m stressed at work..” Jimin said parking the car.

Jisoo’s lips were curled up as she followed him.

The house wasn’t very big but it had an amazing view..

It was located on a hill and she could clearly see Namsan tower from where she was standing..

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