chapter one

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- y/n pov -

"y/n! school starts in twenty minutes!" tsukishima kei shouted from outside my room. "hurry up!" i was inside my room and trying my best to get dressed as fast as i could. "y/n!" my hand reached for my glasses before leaving my room.

"kei, relax! we're not gonna be late!" i pushed past him and headed downstairs. kei walked behind me and already had his headphones over his ears.

"bye mom!" i called out before grabbing my backpack and opening the door with kei.

"bye y/n! bye kei! have fun on your first day, kei!" she replied from where she was in the kitchen. it was kei's first day of school and the first day of my second year.

when we were younger we used to be attached by the hip, but as years passed we started being more independent. not as close as we were, but not distant either. a good middle.

"tsukki! y/n!" kei didn't hear due to his headphones but i turned around at the sound of yamaguchi tadashi's voice. my hand tugged on kei's arm to get his attention.

"hi yamaguchi." i greeted and waited for him to catch up with us.

"hey." kei lowered his headphones so they wrapped around the back of his neck. yamaguchi smiled at both of us before walking next to me.

"nervous for your first day?" he asked, not directing the question to either of us.

"not really, i just want school to be over with." i answered honestly and stretched my arms above my head. then i caught the sight of yamaguchi raising his eyebrows at me. "what's with the look?"

"are you doing okay?" he checked.

"i'm fine, promise." i reassured him. it was yamaguchi who's seen most of my breakdowns and tears. he was always there for me when he found me upset and didn't hesitate to comfort me

there was a point in our friendship when i thought that yamaguchi was my soulmate. i couldn't even look him in the eye for three days and he made me talk to him and get the situation cleared. we found out we weren't soulmates and that was a relief for the both of us. we agreed that we would never be anything more than platonic and were happy with that decisionS

the three of us walked to school together, yamaguchi and i were doing most of the talking while kei simply just listened.

once we reached the school, the three of us had to separate. i went to my class while the other two went to their class.

i quickly found my friend, kinoshita, and sat down next to him. he looked up and gave me a smile when i did and started asking about my break.

not a lot happened during break. there was just extra time for me to sleep in and not have to worry about school or homework.

"your brother is in his first year this year right?" he asked after a few minutes of talking. i nodded and pulled out a notebook. "is he trying out for the volleyball team?"

"i'm pretty sure he is."

"that's cool. what about you?"

"nah." i shook my head. "i think i like sitting on the outside and watching the game more than playing it." kinoshita let out a small gasp like he couldn't believe i just said that.

he was always up for the dramatics.

"you will play volleyball with us one day. i will make that come true, just you wait." kinoshita was determined to get me onto the volleyball court and play. even if it was only for a few minutes.

"you'll be waiting a while."

"i can be very persuasive."

"sure you can." the teacher walked into class causing our conversation to end. i ended up spacing out and started drawing random shapes on my paper.

and that's how the rest of the school day went.

go to class, sit down, talk to kinoshita, the teacher walks in, pretend to listen to the teacher, space out, and then it was the end of class.

i had my things packed up and was ready to head back home when kei caught onto my arm.

"i have volleyball tryouts." he stated.

"and i have a bed to get back to."

"come on, y/n. you said you would go to practice if i made the team. there's barely anyone who wants to play volleyball anymore. i'll automatically be on the team." he didn't say it in a cocky way. his voice was more knowing and certain.

"i would if there was a whole team to actually watch." i answered and gently pushed my brother's hand off my arm. "come tell me when there's a full team and i'll come to watch. and there's a slight chance you won't be on the team."

"there are literally only three people on the team."

"slight chance!" i spun around with a thumbs up sticking out at him and walked away before kei could grab onto my arm again. i took my earbuds out of my bag and put them in my ears.

about halfway through the second song, an unpleasant feeling washed over me. i stopped walking for a second and let the feeling sink in.


the bitter and cold feeling that rushed through my veins was only caused by one thing and one thing alone. it wasn't often that my soulmate got sad or upset and it left me with a string of questions those few times it did happen.

however, the feeling would go away within a few minutes, leaving as fast as it came. maybe it was just a bad grade or something. i didn't worry about it too much.

even if i wasn't concerned about the reason my soulmate was upset, i couldn't get the worry for my soulmate out of my head. but the reason wasn't turned to what his reason of sadness was, instead, it was turned to me.

did he ever feel annoyed at me for being the reason he was buried in the dreadful feeling? did he ever think about her and why i felt like that all the time? did he ever wonder who i was?

if we ever did meet and he saw me in person, would he like me? would he fall in love with me as princes fall in love with princesses in fairytales?

or would he leave?

would he walk out like my father did six years ago?

first person pov !! now i have all three written on my account

but kinoshita appreciation 🫶



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