chapter nineteen

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- y/n pov -

i was walking while picking gummy bears out of the bag. another volleyball day was over and now i was walking to gym number three.

bokuto and the others were already there, so i was left to walk on my own which was fine. it left me with my thoughts.

i threw another bear in my mouth while thinking about stuff. stuff like.. volleyball and summer and bokuto and kuroo who was standing outside the gym with his eyes closed.

"kuroo, what are you doing?" i walked towards him.

"bokuto went out to get a snack and asked me to wait for you just in case you run off." he opened his eyes once i walked past him.

"it was one time." i defended myself. "and i didn't even notice i walked past."

"exactly, imagine if we hadn't stopped you. you couldn't walked all the way back to miyagi." he exaggerated. "imagine how sad we would all be to lose our little libero." he sighed and draped his arm over my shoulders, throwing all his weight onto me.

"i'm not a little libero." i shoved his arm off of me.

"compared to us? yeah, you are. but we would all be absolutely devastated if you were gone." he shook my shoulders. "especially bokuto. he really likes you, but you did not hear that from me."

"he what?"

"nothing." he started to walk ahead of me, but i grabbed his shirt to stop him.

"say that again?"

"oh, look! they're back!" he pulled back and quickly walked over to bokuto and akaashi. i rolled my eyes at his lame attempt to get away from me.

bokuto was speaking hastily to kuroo while the three guys seemed to form a little circle to talk with each other. i stood there for a second before taking a few steps back and towards the door.

i was going to go find and wait for maria, but bokuto's head snapped up and he looked at where i was standing earlier before his eyes found mine. "where are you going?" he questioned, a soft pout on his lips.

"gonna go find maria." i answered and pointed over my shoulder. "i'll be back." i took another step back and kuroo looked over at me.

"he wanted to know if you wanted to play truth or dare." kuroo said for bokuto who was still looking at me. "take a break from volleyball to relax for a day."

"i think i'm still gonna go find maria.." i trailed off when the two guys looked at each other before rushing towards me.

before i knew it, i was being lifted off the floor and into two arms. "i gave you a look that said i could carry her!" bokuto said to kuroo while his arms were under my armpits. kuroo was holding my ankles and my ass was very close to the floor.

"how was i supposed to figure that out from a look?"

"okay, so then let me carry her now!" bokuto pulled me up a little more. kuroo looked at him straight in the eye before dropping my legs down to the floor.

"what about the others?" i tilted my head up to look at bokuto and he glanced down at me.

"we're waiting for them. i think kuroo got kenma to come by and another kid from nekoma." bokuto dropped me down on the floor more carefully, but stayed behind me. very close behind me.

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