chapter nine

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- y/n pov -

"exam day." kei said on our way to school after we left the house. akiteru did add a few more words of encouragement after his first sentence.

it was just us two on the walk today since yamaguchi said he was going to meet us there since he left early to study. "how do you feel?"


"reasonable. do you want kind words from me?"


'if you fail you can't go to tokyo." and this is how i know he and akiteru are related.

"thank you so much."

"you're so very welcome."


a thirty-six

i got a thirty-six on my math exam.

this is the end of me.

just kidding.


i'm kidding.

i was only four points away from a passing grade. noya and tanaka weren't helping when they shoved their barely passing grades up in our faces.

and by our i mean me, kageyama, and hinata who also failed. too bad noya couldn't be a failing buddy with me like he was my bruise buddy.

"you both barely got over forty points." suga said with an unimpressed face. the two guys stopped their boosting and walked away.

i stared at my exam paper that kinoshita was looking over. he and maria had helped me study during the time before the exams.

i wondered how maria would react to me failing. i'll just lock myself in my room so she can't get to me. and then kei will walk out of his room and she'll go and annoy him while he pretends to not enjoy it.

he's had a little crush on her ever since we were kids. he never admitted it but come on, he stares after her for a few seconds once she leaves the room and he looks to her first when he enters a room.

it can't be any more obvious.

"hey, you three." tanaka caught our attention. the smile he had on his face wasn't a friendly one. more of a scary one if you ask me. "you guys only failed one test right?"

we continued to stare at him. "then you should be bale to finish your supplementary exam in the morning after that, i'll call your savior." i was confused now.

"our savior?" i asked.

"you'll see." was all he gave us before walking off. i looked over to suga and he gave me a shrug. "just go to your supplementary classes."

and that's where we were now. i was sitting in a classroom with another person who failed and i studied even harder for this one. ukai let me skip practice for a day so i could study with maria.

i went through the exam as quickly but as carefully as i could. the two of those were not a good match. i think i was making myself more nervous than i needed to be.

"time's up." the teacher announced and i shot out of my seat, handed my exam in, and ran downstairs. i didn't really know what i was expecting, but a girl was not one.

she had short blond hair with bangs and was wearing a black tank top with white jeans. "hey!" she shouted and waved at me.

"hey." i approached her. "are you.. our savior?" it felt weird saying that to someone. "if you're not then i am so sorry, you really pretty, and have a nice day."

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