chapter twenty

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- y/n pov -

"stop eating the watermelon and actually get them onto the trays." maria scolded when i stole another small piece of watermelon.

"but they're so good." i washed my hands before going back to cutting up the watermelon into slices. i made sure to not cut my finger or anything since knowing myself, i probably would.

"you can eat them later." kiyoko calmed down our trivial fight. "but right now, we want to make sure everyone gets them, especially the guys who have been practicing all day."

i helped one of the fukurodani manager's cut the watermelon. "here, you can cut these ones into smaller slices and we can keep these ones half for anyone who wants a bigger piece." she pushed a plate towards me.

i happily helped cut the slices into smaller ones while everyone kept up light conversations. after all the watermelon were on the plates, we headed back to the gym. i tried to steal another piece of watermelon, but kiyoko caught me.

"everyone!" ubugawa's manager, eri mayanoshita, called out. "the parents from shizen high gave us some watermelons!" i looked to my right and saw a boy with brown curly hair and a pink jersey staring at the a fruit with his mouth open.

"watermelon?" i offered him the plate and his mouth spilt into a huge grin.

"you're the best." he sighed contently and took a slice.

"yeah she is, but stop hogging the watermelon." bokuto's voice came from behind me and i felt him reach over my shoulder and to take a piece of the fruit. "and eat it outside so the gym doesn't get sticky or dirty."

curly haired, pink shirt guy walked out while eating. "can we keep this plate for ourselves?" bokuto asked and looked down at the plate in my hands.

"i wish." i headed towards the gym doors and moved to put the plate with the others. i took a slice for myself and turned to find maria or kinoshita, but instead they landed on bokuto. he was sitting on the steps and eating the watermelon like it was the best thing he's ever eaten.

the smile on his face while he ate was the cutest things i think i've ever seen and i kind of just wanted to stop time and admire him.

despite the other two team members sitting behind him, i took steps towards him. he looked up and smiled at me when i approached him. "hey!" he slid to the left so i could sit. i sat down next to him and noticed the two other guys leave to give us some room.

"how's practice today?" i started up a conversation which was something that i didn't do often.

"pretty good! we haven't had to run up the hill yet." he nodded to himself like he was proud of not having to run yet. "which means we won everything so far and that's amazingly cool."

"that's good." i tapped my feet against the ground and looked around the field. kenma, hinata, and lev were sitting together and lev and hinata were spitting seeds out. kuroo joined in sitting with our third years while tanaka stood over them.

"how are you?" bokuto got my attention back once he spoke.

"i didn't cut any of my fingers when i cut the watermelon." i was pretty proud of myself for that as much as he was proud of himself for not having to run. bokuto let out a laugh at my statement and took one of my hands in his.

"can't be loosing any of these fingers." he raised my hand up a little higher and i thought he was going to kiss it or something, but he just lowered it back down. i wondered if the message i gave him a couple days ago flew over his head since he hasn't seemed to have made a move.

"i'm getting another slice." he stood up and walked over to get another slice. i focused on eating my watermelon to take my mind off the thought of bokuto kissing me. or should i kiss him first? i don't think so. i've gotten a little more confidence, but not that confident.

"i got you another slice too." i pulled myself out of the thoughts i wasn't supposed to be thinking about and looked up at him. he handed me the fruit and i took it. "do you think i could get thirds?"

i continued staring up at him while he wondered to himself if he could get another serving. the sun was shining in his face and it brightened up his already golden eyes. and when he let a smile grow on his lips, i think more feelings fell into my jar of already full feelings for him.

then i remember he asked something. "i mean, this one is like my fourth." i took a bite of the watermelon. "i had two while i was cutting them."

"how dare you get free servings before the rest of us." he gasped dramatically.

"it was just too tempting." i sighed and finished up my watermelon. "i'll make sure and sneak you extra slices next time." i patted his leg before standing up. he glanced down at his leg before looking up at my face.

times when he looked at me like this, i always think he's about to kiss me. but it never comes. either one of us pull away or someone comes by. this time, bokuto turned away and there was a part of me that felt disappointed by that.

not disappointed in him, i don't think that was possible. just disappointed in another moment when i think he's going to kiss me and he's not. it's starting to build up now and i'm not sure how much more of these almost kisses i can take.

he cleared his throat and turned his head away from me, his hand traveling to the back of his neck. "i'm gonna go get practicing again." he spun on his heels and hurried back into the gym.

i let out a groan before making my way to kinoshita and laying down on the grass next to him. "what's up with you?" yamaguchi was on the other side and moved closer.

"feelings." i shivered at the word and let out another groan.

"bokuto?" both guys asked and i didn't even bother asking how they knew. i guess seeing us sitting together at the cafeteria and him walking me back to my room every night was enough.


"did he reject you or something?" kinoshita questioned while yamaguchi threw him a look. "not that he would reject you, i'm just saying why are you groaning at your feelings?"

"he won't do anything!" i shot up into a sitting position. "i told him that he could kiss me and he hasn't. and he was the one who asked me if i wanted to be kissed and now he won't kiss me." i leaned my head onto yamaguchi's shoulder.

"i'm sure he wants to kiss you." he patted my shoulder. "just give him time. he just needs.. the perfect moment."

"there were a load of perfect moments. like sure yeah, i pulled away a few times cause there were people around, but right after dropping me off at the room? that's the type of first kiss you read in books."

"why don't you kiss him?" kinoshita folded his legs under him and looked into the gym.

"cause i gave him the go ahead. it's his turn to make a move." i waved my hand. "ball in his court or whatever it is."

"then go steal the ball back." kinoshita said before standing up and walking into the gym. i contemplated his words before lifting my head up.

"yeah, you go do that. steal the ball and throw it into the hoop." yamaguchi nodded. "the hoop being the kiss, by the way."

"these basketball analogies are weird."

the watermelon scene was like waaaay in the beginning, but i wanted to add it in

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