chapter six

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after that game with seijoh everyone started to practice even harder than they were before. i was being pulled into practice more than usual and spent most of practice with the team.

i was starting to develop bruises on my legs from practice and noya had bruises on his arms. when he saw my bruises he called them matching bruises like they were little friendship bracelets.

"y/n, don't slam yourself against the floor!" suga shouted in concern. i just dived for the ball and the side of my thigh skimmed against the gym floor.

"i'm okay!" i gave suga and thumbs up and picked myself back up. kinoshita checked the side of my leg for a friction burn but there was nothing there.

i'm honestly terrified of those things. they sting so badly in the showers and feels like hell.

the team continued practicing until someone interrupted them. takeda burst through the gym doors and fell face first onto the floor. all of us stopped what we were doing and turned to look down at him, surprised at his appearance.

"sir?" when he didn't get up, everyone gathered around him in concern. "you okay?" he lifted himself off the floor and my eyes widened at the sight of his bloody nose.

"we're going right?" he asked and no one had a single clue on what he was talking about.


"your nose is bleeding.." i pointed out, but takeda ignored my words and held up a sheet of paper.



"you mean.." hinata trailed off and i noticed that kageyama was looking at me. i looked at him in confusion, my eyebrows raising and kageyama raised his eyebrows at me as well. then it hit me.

the necklace. the boy. tokyo.

"a practice match?" we both turned our attention back to takeda who had cleaned his nose.

"yeah, but it won't just be nekoma this time. the fukurodani academy group. it's a group of schools from the kanto reign that includes nekoma and they practice with each other all the time."

"that's what she said." i leaned over to whisper to noya and he grinned at my statement.

"but now, thanks to coach nekomata making arrangements for us. karasuno's been invited to participate in their practice matches."

in the middle of the two adults talking, a feeling ran through me. soulmate. not crying, he never cried. his mood just plummeted suddenly. and when i say suddenly, i mean very suddenly.

my eyes darted up to the clock on the wall and i timed the length my soulmate was sad for. between glancing back and forth from the clock to ukai and takeda, the feeling lifted from me and i checked the time.

seven minutes.

what made my soulmate upset for a small amount of time and cheer him right back up again? it was slightly weird and it wasn't like seeing him in person where he could be sad one minute and put on a fake mask of happiness to show it on the outside.

in this world, i was the one who knew his emotions better than anyone else. possibly, even better than my soulmate himself.


after the team went to go run outside, they came back without hinata and kageyama. the two of them came back a few minutes later and had this look on their face. a face of.. determination?

i was busy looking at the first years in curiosity that i didn't notice anything else. "y/n, look out!" my head turned to see what ennoshita was yelling about.

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