chapter three

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- y/n pov -

i did cry for a long time. there was a letter addressed to me and my two brothers when kei and i got home from school. one glance at our names written across the envelope was enough to know who it was from.

our dad. he was getting remarried.

after six long years of nothing, he sends a letter in hopes that we would attend his wedding since we were his kids. those were his words.

since you three are my children, i would hope and expect you at my wedding.

i've reread the letter to the point where i had it memorized. i didn't know why i read it so many times, there was just something about it that i couldn't stop. these were the first words that he sent to us after six years of silence.

no birthday cards. no holiday cards. nothing. just a wedding invitation.

i stuck the letter in a drawer into my desk drawer before looking at myself in the mirror. bloodshot and swollen eyes looked back at me. i grabbed my glasses and put them on my face before going downstairs.

kei was already sitting at the table and eating breakfast. "morning." he looked up when i slid into the chair across from him. our mom placed a cup of juice in front of me before standing at the head of the table.

"akiteru's coming home in a few days." she announced and caught both our attention. kei and i were definitely closer with each other than we were with akiteru. we barely talked to him outside of his daily check in's with us.

i bit down on my straw and looked up at my mom while she kept talking about akiteru. apparently, he had a break from school and was coming back. that's all i got into my brain before i started to space out.

a kick in the leg from my brother was what snapped me out of my trance. "i'm going to the store. wanna go?" he asked and his eyes fell to my drink. "you know, the straw isn't edible."

"no really? i never noticed." i stood up and started to drink rapidly while kei put his dishes away. i finished the drink in less than a minute and dropped the cup into the sink before heading out with kei. "why are we going to the store?"

"i have no idea. just wanted to get out of the house." kei locked himself in his room yesterday after getting the letter. "so.. the letter."

"let's not talk about it." i quickly shut the topic down.


the walk to the store was quiet and neither of us spoke, but both of us knew that we were thinking about that letter. both of us knew we weren't going to go to the wedding, but the invitation was still stuck in our minds.

"y/n!" i turned my head when i heard my name and saw nishinoya and hinata standing there with tanaka and kageyama standing in front of them. "and tsukishima two."

"hello." i smiled and hurried to walk towards them, leaving kei behind to catch up. "what are you guys doing here?"

"heading to ukai's store." nishinoya answered and glanced down at my neck. "that's a pretty necklace." i looked down and tried to get a look at the piece of jewelry around my neck.

"oh, it's just something i had ever since i was a kid." i answered and continued walking. i honestly forget that i have it hard the time.

"it's pretty." hinata spoke up while learning forward to look at the necklace. "where'd you get it from?"

"someone gave it to me a long time ago. i never got the chance to get their name or anything."

"that sounds interesting." hinata said and nishinoya nodded in agreement. "come on, tell us the story on the way to ukai's store." they both started to poke my shoulders until i caved.

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