Chapter 2

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The androids are flying in the mountain region of a snowy landscape with Android 17 looking for a vehicle to find Goki, while Android 18 wants to at least get new clothes since she's getting cold.

Android 18: Seriously, can we speed this up? It's cold as tits up here.

Y/n: We know it's cold, 18. Please, stop complaining.

Android 17: You know, maybe if you stopped whining and helped us look, we'd... Oh! Oh, look! There's one! There's... 

17 sees it's a pink van with the words "LUCKY FOODS" written on the side.

Android 17: Actually, second thought, we don't have to steal the first one we see...

Android 18: Oh, I'm sorry. I can't hear you over your welching.

Android 17: Ugh, whatever.

Y/n: Seriously, what's the point of driving if we can fly?

The group flies down towards the van.

Chuck: So, Jones, uh, how's the wife and kids?

Jones : Still dead, Chuck. Been four months.

Chuck: Oh... I am terrible at small talk.

Jones: Yes, you are. Huh? 

He notices the androids in front of the van.

Android 17 opens the back of the van.

Android 17: Huh... Lucky Foods. Kind of ironic.

Jones: Uh, young lady? Need you to stay out of our van!

Android 17: All right, guys, we're takin' the van. 

Android 16 picks up the van, causing various boxes of food to empty drop out.

Android 17: No, buddy, we're gonna drive it.

Android 16: Oh. 

He puts the van back down.

Android 16: Sorry.

Android 17: It's cool. Now you and Y/n have a place to sit.

Android 16: Affirmative. 

Y/n: Yay…

16 and Y/n get inside the back of the van and shut the door behind them. 17 gets inside the van alongside her sister and starts the engine.

Android 17: Right. We're all set.  Now let's go find Goki.

Android 18: Step on it. Come on, let's go!

Android 17: Quiet now, or I'll make you ride in the back.

The androids drove off down the road.

Meanwhile, Krillin and Trunks land in front of Goki's house.

Krillin: Alright, here we are. Quick warning: be super-nice to Chi-Chi. She can be a total--

Chi-Chi flings open the door, smacking Krillin in the face and making his head swell up.

Chi-Chi: Gohan! Oh... It's you.

Krillin: Yeah, fine, I pretty much asked for that one.

Krillin and Trunks tell Chi-Chi and Yamcha what happened. They decide to move Goki, who is petering out from the screaming, to Kame House, even though it is literally the second place the androids will look and Gohan arrives to join them.

Cut to Android 17, 18 and Y/n, they are still driving. Android 18 looks over to 17.

Android 18: Come on, tell us. Have any leads just yet? Do you have any idea where Goki is?

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