Chapter 4

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Cell runs through a forest until she reaches a highway and starts reading a road sign.

Imperfect Cell: Alright. So South City is to the North, North City is to the West, and East City is...also to the North. ...Where the f**k am I?!

A bus with Jeepers Creepers on the radio appears on the road and crashes as the driver swerves to avoid Cell.

Coach Rodger: Ma'am, I need to ask you to move off the road. We have a very important game today against the West City Southerners and we're already running late.

Cell doesn't respond. Instead, she reads a billboard.

Imperfect Cell: 'Aww, East City has a Panda Sanctuary, that's cute.'

Coach Rodger: I am now going to start applying the horn. (honks the horn) I am now going to use it again. (honks the horn twice) I will now continue to use the horn until you politely move. (honks the horn six more times, causing Cell to turn her head and stare at the coach)

After a brief pause, the coach honks the horn again.

Imperfect Cell: Beep. (the coach honks the horn again) Beep! (the coach starts honking the horn repeatedly) Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! BEEEEEEEP! (turns h head away after another pause, thinking) Now, I just need to find my sisters before–

Bucko: Hey, you giant green pylon, you ain't no car, so get off the road! Else me and the boys are gonna have to make your face look like your ass, and your ass look like your face!

Imperfect Cell: Mmm... (inhales) Hey, you. I wanna make a joke about your team. What's its name?

Bucko: The East City Westmen!

East City Westmen: Hoo-Hah!

Imperfect Cell: '...Oh, I am too hungry for this shit.' (starts to absorb Bucko and does the same with the rest of the football team as the coach tries to make a getaway) BEEP! BEEP! 

Cell breaks through the bus' windshield and pulls the coach out as he screams in horror.

Meanwhile with the androids, Y/n and the others are still driving on a highway towards Goki's house. Y/n hears sirens coming from behind them and looks around to see three police vehicles chasing the van.

Y/n: Looks like we've got company.

17 looks in her sideview mirror, watching the police cars close in.

Android 17: Yeah. Looks like it.

Android 18: Maybe I should say hello.

Y/n: Go for it.

18 opens the passenger door and leaps out flying into a police car and punching her fist into its engine. She jumps off the vehicle and the engine explodes as she lands on the road. 

18 then holds out her arms as the last two vehicles drive into her as her arms split the sides of the two cars open before three cars crash into each other. All the officers survived. 18 flies back to the van and sits herself back down in her seat.

Y/n: Have fun?

18: Not really…

Back to Piccolo, Trunks, Krillin, Vegita, and Tien.

Tien: So if Cell manages to find whatever she's missing, she'll become even stronger?

Piccolo: I guess? She was pretty vague about it. No matter what, though, if she and the androids join forces, none of us will stand a chance.

Vegita: Says you. I say we let her absorb the androids! I don't care who I'm up against… I will destroy them.

Piccolo: Don't be naive, we can barely handle 17, 18 and 22 ourselves, and Cell's much more powerful than 17 and 18. It's a stretch but we can somehow get 22 on our side it just might help turn the tables in our favor.

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