Chapter 8

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Bulma's plane is seen arriving at the Lookout. She lands on the ground and opens the door with baby Trunks in her arms.

Bulma: Hey! Anyone here?

Gohan: Bulma!

Goki: Hey, Bulma!

Bulma: Hey, guys! 

Gohan runs up and shakes baby Trunk's hand while Vegita walks over.

Vegita: Earthling!!

Bulma: (correcting) Bulma!

Vegita: Don't care!! What are you doing here with my child?!

Bulma: Hmph. It's surprising that you even acknowledged her at all. I've been pampering your daughter, ever since you've neglected her so you could go off fighting!! By the way, you should be focused on being an actual parent.

Vegita: Tch…!

Bulma: Anyway… (pushes the button on a capsule and throws it at the ground, revealing a white container) I brought you guys some armor for your fight against the Androids!

Goki, Gohan, and Trunks all put on the armor.

Vegita: This is easily the greatest thing you've ever produced.

Bulma: (to Piccolo and Tien) Aren't you guys going to try them on, too?

Piccolo: No.

Tien: No.

Bulma: Any reason?

Piccolo: No.

Tien: No.

Goki: Hey, look, Vegita! I'm you! Paragon 'til death!

Vegita: ...You ruined it. You ruined it, and I'm leaving.

Goki: You want, I should teleport you, buddy?

Vegita: I hate you. 

Vegita flies off.

Trunks: I should follow her.

Goki: Oh, before you go, you'll probably want these. (gives Trunks two Senzu Beans) Just in case.

Trunks: Thanks, but...hopefully, we won't need them.

Goki: Yeah, but...Vegita.

Trunks: …Mother.

Bulma: You should really hurry up. Said mother has a head start on you.

Trunks: Yeah. And who knows what atrocity Cell is committing as we speak…

Trunks flies off after Vegita.

Gohan: I forget. How is it that Vegita ended up having Trunks?

Bulma: O-Oh… um… (tries her best to cover baby Trunks' ears) …A one-night stand with some loser. She didn't even know what a condom was…

Gohan: …I'm sorry I asked.

Meanwhile, Y/n and Cell both began exchanging blows to each other, with both being able to counter them. Cell suddenly vanishes and reappears next to Y/n, catching him off guard for a second but successfully blocks the attack and they start clashing fists and kicks. They both then knock each other back and rush each other again, but when Cell punches at her opponent, her fist goes through and it's revealed to be an Afterimage. Cell gets bashed in the back of her head, getting slammed into a mountain extremely hard by the real Y/n and causing it to explode. 

With Androids 16 and 18 on an island, hiding from the Bio-Android.

Android 18: I hope Y/n's doing okay. We got lucky. With all these islands, it'll be tough for Cell to find us.

Super Android 22 (Dragon Ball x Android Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora