Chapter 3

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Outside of a clothing store, Android 17 is waiting for her sister. She sits back in her seat, eagerly waiting to go while Y/n sits next to 16, leaning on his arms and knees and is bored out of his mind.

Y/n: (sighs) Hmm…

Android 17: 'Really. How long does it take her to pick out a new dress anyway…?'

Inside the store, Android 18 was currently in a western-styled outfit while looking at a mirror.

Android 18: This is... the best... you've got?

Store Owner: That is our top-of-the-line! How do you like it?

Android 18: "Like" is a strong word. So is "tolerate". "Hate's" actually lookin' a little weak right now.

Store Owner: Oh, but darlin', you look like the most beautiful rose in a rose garden! I'm sure if I came home with you, my daddy might even love me again!

Android 18: And that is my cue to leave. Later, cowboy. 

She begins to walk out of the store.

Store Owner: Uh, sweetheart, you gotta pay for those... (stutters as Android 18 leaves the store) Cash or credit! (runs up to the van as Android 18 gets inside) The register's on the inside! You are getting into your car! You are drivin' away! (the androids drive away) And I have been robbed... You blonde bimbo, you get back here this instant!!

The van stops and then begins to reverse back in the store keeper's direction.

Store Owner: (while running back inside) Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Cut to Krillin, Yamcha, Roshi, Chi-Chii and Oolong watching TV in Kame House. While watching the news Krillin calls Bulma on a phone.

Bulma: "Hello?" 

Krillin: So you guys are by Ginger Town, right?

Bulma: "We were... Why?"

Krillin: 'Cause there is something bad going on down there.

//On the television set//

Flash: This is Flash Stormwood reporting live for CQTV here on location in Ginger Town.

Hal: Well, thank you, Flash. What's the situation down there?

Flash: Mass, unadulterated panic, Hal. Just moments ago, screams erupted throughout the streets, only to be followed by deafening silence. Now there seems to be nothing left but a ghost town, littered with the clothes of its former inhabitants. We have yet to find out the reason why.

Hal: Do you have any speculations, Flash?

Flash: Well, Hal, I cannot say for certain... However, recreational marijuana use was recently legalized in the region. So I believe we can all come to the same conclusion... Just a moment, someone is approaching! (a silhouetted figure starts approaching him) Excuse me, you terrifying-looking lady, what are your opinions on the legalization of-- OH MY GOD, NOOOOOOOO!!!

Static is seen on the TV and then shows the empty clothes on the ground.

Krillin: Wow... Someone should probably go check that out.

Master Roshi: Yeah, my stash is runnin' a little low. (starts laughing but soon begins to wheeze)

Gohan and Trunks appear at the front door.

Gohan: Hey, guys, we're back! (sniffs inside) What's that smell? Is there a skunk in here?

Krillin: Oh, hey, Gohan. You like mysteries?

Gohan's eyes sparkle. 

Gohan: Do I?!

Meanwhile, Piccolo flies up Korin's Tower and arrives at Kami's Lookout, reequipping his weighted clothing, and stands in front a shocked Mr. Popo.

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