chapter 2

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Bubbles stared at the Eds as they left, more in specific, the one who tripped and was the smart one. She didn't know who he was, since she was a new student in Megaville like her sisters. Bubbles found one of her new friends and decided to find out more about this character.

"Who was he, Mandy?"

"He? Well..." the evil blonde girl of Megaville Elementary School glanced to her, then set for explaining. "He's Edd from the Eds. The Three Musketeers. Ed, Edd, n Eddy always use another way. They just want to earn money by their scams and buy jawbreakers. Don't be their friends."

"Are they dangerous?" Bubbles wondered why she said that.

"Unfortunately not." Mandy said, a little disappointed like she wished they were literally threats.

"EDDY!" Ed yelled once he and Double D caught up with their other friend. "Wait for us!"

"I'm sorry, guys..." Eddy seemed nervous for some reason. "My mother's calling me. I can't go with you. Sorry!" He quickly went off, avoiding them.

"He wasn't Eddy," Ed said ominously, quoting one of his favorite comics. "Just one of his clones. His assignment is to turn all humans into lasagna."

Double D put a hand on his chest. "You scare me, Ed."

"Does the light stay on in your fridge when you close the door?"

"Dexter," Blossom came in the hall, finding the boy genius she had strong feelings for. "Why do you avoid me?"

"Look, Blossom," Dexter put his arm around her. "It isn't your fault. It's about the wrong way to suppress aggression. Please, go home." he shoved her aside slightly, returning to his locker as Eddy was secretly watching him.

Back at home, the Girls decided to do other things since they had no homework, Buttercup was with her punching bag, Bubbles was drawing while Blossom was down in the dumps about her boyfriend.

"I think Dexter doesn't love me anymore..." Blossom sighed. "Make me happy."

"He's a dork if he broke up your attachment." Buttercup sneered. 

Blossom sighed, plopping down into their bed.

"BLOSSOM! You can't be our leader like this!"

"SHUT UP, BUTTERCUP!" Blossom snapped which made Bubbles uncomfortable. "I will be all right soon." she then promised.

The next day at school, things were far from better. Bubbles was happily talking with Mandy, Eddy was glaring from afar with Dexter and Blossom's activities, Buttercup was in the distance, Double D held his books and Ed was on his side. 

"Double D!" Bell appeared to motivate the innocent genius again. "What are you waiting for? Why don't you line up to her?"

"I'm not ready for that," Double D said anxiously. "I'm too scared. I have nothing to say!"

Bell then instantly puffed Double D to the school library where Bubbles was, minding her own business with a book. 

"Why did you take me here?" Double D demanded to know. "I've already said I'm not ready to initiate a conversation between us."

"Lab-Lab, go there..." Bell hinted. "And talk to her..." she came behind Double D to give him a literal push toward the blue Powerpuff Girl. 

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