"What did I do"

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Lauren POV

I was lying in my bed after a long day of teaching anotmy at Seattle university, when i heard the front door open with a heavey slam to occompany, it only meant one thing.
Tys home.....when he calls out for me, I hear the rage in his voice, meaning he has not had a good day "Lauren where are you!".

I didn't react i just lay there knowing that even if i tried to answer, it wouldn't make a difference considering his mood and demenour, it wouldn't end well...assuming he would just end up  hitting me like he always does. After about a minute later, I hear him open our bedroom door and his heavy footsteps coming near my side of our bed. I could hear his heafty breathing above me like an animal about to pounce on its prey. It was silent for a moment, and I finally let out a breath thinking he had left me alone to sleep and maybe i could deal with him later.... I was horrifically wrong.
When I thought he left, I peeked my eyes open and I saw ty standing beside the bed peering down at me with a sickened sweet smile "hey babe" was all he said, before I felt a hard tug on my hair and my body getting thrown out of my bed just to land on the cold unforgiving hardwood floor. "Uuunngg," I let out as my back took the first impact, before the rest of my body on the cold harsh floor. "Get the hell up you worthless bitch" Ty says almost yelling. While looking down at me, now with his infamous glare that I become accustomed to over the years.
I scramble to get up as he pushes me on the bed, he just stands there at the side of the bed for a few seconds just staring at me like he is plotting his next move. It was making me very nervous. He gets on the bed and he slowly crushes my hips with his weight as he started to straddle me with his big muscular frame. He started to throw punches at my face and body with one hand as the other restrains me to hold me down.
I try to get him off me but I am petite as Ty on the other hand is big quite muscular. He is twice the size of me and it feels like he is crushing me sitting on me like he is.
The punches slowly come to a stop as he is satisfied with his work he has done to my face and body. I start to hear his clothes rustling, i start to panic and try to beg him to stop. "No no Ty please don't I'll do anything just please don't do this" I plead with him to stop. This is the first time he has gone this far. I hear him let out a dark chuckle at this. "No you see you deserve this your my girlfriend and your supposed to tend to my needs before anything else". He says as he runs his hands down to the hym of my shirt to start pulling it off. I start to squirm to try and weasle away from him. "STOP MOVING YOU STUPID WHORE" he yelled in my face, while he slapped me. He continued to take off my shorts and underwear, as well as the rest of his clothes.
"AAAAGGGHHH" I let out an ear piercing scream as he roughly pushes his cock I to me. I start sobbing because there was no lubrication. It was so painful.
I can hear him moan and say how he loves how tight I am and feel so good around him. I hope and pray he doesn't last that long so he can be done with me hopefully for the night and I can just sleep. But right now I don't think that's the case. I can see he's not going to go soft after one round he's going to need atleast two or three rounds before he goes soft. I know for a fact that I will be in pain for atleast a couple of hours.
Ty groans and thrusts harder and faster "Ty please stop please I'm begging you, it hurts". He growls at me and responds with "no I've had a bad day and I need this and your going to like it". He only thrusts harder and faster. "Uunngg" he moans and I feel a burst of heat inside me and I knew that had just cum. But it doesn't stop there he keeps going only thrusting harder and faster. He rips my shirt off along with my bra and roughly sucks on my breast as he gropes my other one roughly. "Ty please stop" I try again at this he gets even angrier and screams in my face "NO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Ty screams and punched my nose. I yelled out in pain because I think he just broke my nose. All of a sudden he groans out in pleasure as he had just cum again.
When he finally pulls out and rolls off me with,when I feel his cum leaking out of me. I feel the bile raising up in my throat. I get up and run to bathroom to throw up because of how disgusting it feels.
After I wipe and rinse my mouth I go to the medicine cabinet and take my birth control and plan b afterwards just so I make sure I won't get pregnant. When i retrieve my medicine i look at myself in the mirror all bruised and bloody and start to wonder where my life had to gone to get this shitty, like I have plan b in my cabinet just in case something like this were to happen. I turn to look in the mirror. I gasp as I look in my reflection, my face a bloody mess, my once green eyes look dull and grey. I look at my nose to see it's slightly diagonal. I heavily sigh and wonder if this was how I was gonna live the rest of my life or I could get a lucky break and run free from Ty and get my life back, that I once had loved and everyone envy.

When Tyrone and I first started dating he was super sweet and loving, he brought me flowers everyday after I got home from college. He would take me out on dates and pamper me, he would run me a bath put rose pedals around it with a glass of wine and a book ready for me. He was the perfect boyfriend everyone loved him my parents, my siblings they still do because they don't recognize what happens behind close doors as far as they know. They still think that were happy and can't wait to see us get married and have a family. But all of this quickly changed one morning. When he unexplainably just changed out of nowhere.
But after about a year and a half of dating...it's like his brain flipped a switch overnight.
The first time he laid his hands on me was whenever I was getting ready to go to work at the college, he came up to me and started yelling telling me I should've made him breakfast, he slapped me, punched me, kicked me even. I didn't know how much it hurt to be hit before so I was in shock and started sobbing I looked at him in the eyes and whispered "what did I do".
After that morning that is how it went everyday. This is what I had to look forward to everyday. In the morning if I didn't do something right. In the evening if I didn't cook or clean right.
I was expected to be perfect for him and I wasn't. 

*Present time*
I sighed and got in the shower and let the tears roll down my face as I rethink what had happened within the three years of my life. All I can think of is "what did I do".
After I had cleaned myself and gotten all the dried blood off my face. I looked in the mirror at my crooked nose, I knew going to the hospital was not an option. The only option I had was to realine my nose myself, and it was going to hurt like a bitch.
I mustered up the courage to finally and attempt to put my nose bone back to its rightful place..."MOTHER SHITTEEERRRR" I yelled out as I felt the bone pop back into place.
I allowed myself to collapse onto the counter and let my tears flow from my eyes all while thinking "what did I do"

Sorry I just thought of a better story line than what I had hope you like it.

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