"I'm scared"

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Lauren POV
Officer Cabello and I start playing king in the corner with a random card deck the nurse provided, while making causal small talk. I was curious about this officer so I decided I was going to ask some questions "Officer Cabello what's your first name?" I look at her while I'm asking.
She continues playing the game laying down a king and a jack while she goes out and wins the game. I groan and she laughs, "my name is Camila" she says after she stops laughing.
"That's a beautiful name....very unique" I say very truthful, because she did have a beautiful name it truly fit her because she is gorgeous. "Well I already know your personal information...but let's pretend I don't, so what's your name" Camila says and I let out a giggle "well Camila my name's Lauren". I say cutely and looking at her in the eyes. "I'd say that is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Camila says very smoothly and I can already feel the deep red blush come up on my face. "Smooth one aren't we" I say in a joking manner. While my cheeks are more than likely a fiery red.
"Why don't we start another game" I say so I could clam down the blush on my face. She nods her head and smiles and I shuffle and deal.

While we were in the middle of our card game.
The door opened and I thought it was Normani so I didn't say anything but I was wrong....I looked towards the door and it was Tyrone. I gasp and dropped my cards that were in my hand onto the makeshift table and gripped onto officer Cabello's forearm.
She looked up when I grabbed her arm. She jumped up and started speaking "Tyrone what are you doing here". He just gave her a creepy smile and eyed me up and down, it was making me uncomfortable like a lot, he is my ex who beat me until I was unconscious he is the last person I want to see. So, I am terrified right now, not even the officer standing next to me can lessen that. "Wow you look even hotter all beaten because of me.......what is that look on your face is it, fear....haha your scared of me, I think that is so sexy especially on you". Tyrone said in what I suppose was his 'seductive' voice and slowly walking towards me in my hospital bed. I start to breathe heavily and my BP is starting to go up because my heart is racing.
"I'm scared" I whisper to Camila. After I said that I see Camila nostrils flare and her eyes darken. "Tyrone stop and step away from the bed" she says sternly. He only chuckles and looks at her "what can you not stand me talking to my girlfriend". That seemed to set Camila off you can see the rage in her face and she is pissed the hell off now "YOU ARE NOT HER BOYFRIEND ANYMORE TYRONE, YOU BEAT HER TILL SHE WAS ON THE BRINK OF DEATH. THERE IS NO WHERE IN HELL YOU TWO ARE STILL TOGETHER!" she yells at him.
For the whole 3 years that me and Ty we're together I have never seen him so pissed off in my life "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHEN MY RELATIONSHIP IS OVER I DO AND ITS NOT AND IT NEVER WILL BE!" he literally screams at her, I looked back at Camila and she doesn't seem fazed. "Step away from her before I do it my myself" she says in a low growl and she looked HOT.
Ty doesn't move he just stares at her challengingly. Once Camila knows he's not going to move she starts to walk over to him. When she finally gets to him she reaches out for his arm and he pulls out a switch blade and slashes her hand with it. "YOU BITCH" she screams out, he grips my shoulder roughly and rips me out of my bed wraps his bulky arm around my neck with the switch blade teasingly pressed against my skin. Camila reaches for her hand gun and aims it at Ty "what are you going to do, you know if you pull that trigger it's going to go through her first." She sighs and knows she's stuck and her hand is bleeding a little too much for my liking and I'm sure her too. She puts her gun away in defeat. "Alright Ty what do you want" he eyes her skeptically "I want her to go with me so we can live happily ever after". I start shaking from fear because the switch blade is pushing into my neck harder and feel a little bit of blood trickle down my neck from it. "Well Ty you blew that a long time ago whenever you first laid your hands on her....now let her go" Camila says bordely with a sigh, that lingers in the air.
"NO I DIDN'T RUIN IT..SHE DESERVED IT. SHE DESERVES TO DIE IM TOO GOOD FOR HER NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND". He screamed and he started pushing the blade into my neck harder and I feel more blood run down my neck ,it has became a steady stream now "AGGHHHH TY STOP PLEASE STOP IT HURTS" I wail.
"Ty let her go she doesn't deserve this she did nothing wrong this is between you and me" Camila says to him. I feel Ty start to breathe more heavily and the blade push into my skin more and I start to feel light headed i became a little wosey and I started to sway a little bit.
Officer Cabello took that as an advantage. I kept my eyes on Camila  I see her reach behind her, she pulls out her whipper and extends it. When I see her body extend I know she is going to whip Ty. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER OWWW" I heard the whip make contact with Ty's body and I cringe at how brutal it sounded. I drop to the ground and cower towards Camila and hid behind her.
Ty stands up and lunges at her and she swings another brutal whip and hits Ty in his back he falls to ground groaning in pain.
Camila throws her whipper to the side of her and kneels on Ty's back and puts her cuffs on him, picks him up by his arms and hands him off to the officer she radioed in.
After the officer escorted Tyrone out a nurse came in, she gasp when she saw Camila and I. "Oh my god..both of you on the bed now, I'll be right back with two doctors." The nurse quickly said and then walked out to go get two doctors. I was silently crying to myself not just because Tyrone was in here but because I feel like Camila got hurt because of me, even thought she doesn't appear to be in pain I know she is on the inside. I know I was hurting everywhere, from mental and physical wounds all of them have reopened and it hurt like hell.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my hospital room door opening and closing and two doctors walked in holding something in their hands.
"Alright well both of you will need stitches" one of the doctors said to us, we both nodded mutely still quite shaken up what happened just minutes prior.
"Alright you guys will both have to have some lidocaine so you won't feel a thing" the female doctor said before both doctors simultaneously administered the anesthetic to both of us, but for her it was her hand and for me it was my neck.
I grimaced as the needle poked my skin and the entered my body but soon the only thing I felt was drowsiness. As for Camila she stayed emotionless not showing anything, she hasn't moved since she sat down on the bed. They started stitching her hand up and my neck.
"Aanndd done" my doctor said as she snipped the excess thread off. "You have about six stitches in you neck but there was no nerve damage over all.....but I cannot say the same for the officer, she is going to have 18 stitches in her hand and a sizeable scar and the nerve damage was minimal, but ultimately there was still some". The doctor filled me in on our situation, I noticed Camila finally move and she looked like she had some emotion in her face now as she watches her doctor finish up on her hand.

Once both doctors told the do's and dont's with our stitches they left and we sat there in a kind of tense environment. But none the less comfortable silence. "You should probably get some sleep" Camila whispered in the quiet room. "As should you". I said back to her and she nodded but made no move to get comfortable.
"Hey, come up here I have room and you probably haven't been sleeping that well in that uncomfortable chair". I said and she chuckled before speaking "no it's fine I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable". She said with truthfulness hidden in her voice but I still heard it. "Come on I won't take no for an answer and you won't hurt me I'm healing well, and if I was uncomfortable with you I wouldn't have offered....now come on don't be stubborn". I spoke to her softly with adoration laced with it. She solemnly nodded and got in my bed with me of course after taking her utility belt off first. As well as her button up. This left her in a t shirt and her work pants. Her t shirt showed off her toned arms and shoulders. She looked good.
I think I may be developing a tiny tiny crush on officer cabello.

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